python - 是否可以通过将文本存储为一个字符串或使用 Python 的其他内容来添加或减去文本中的所有时间?

标签 python datetime time

我的问题与 YouTube 描述中列出的时间有关。如果我想从这个轨道描述的前面去除 5 秒的死气(在从视频中去除 5 秒之后),我需要一个函数来发现和改变所有时间 -5 秒而不是自己做数学运算。我想将其粘贴到脚本中并复制终端的输出以粘贴到 YouTube 中...

times = ("""
Published on Aug 24, 2012
Band: Metallica
Album: Master of Puppets
Released: March 3, 1986
Genre: Thrash Metal

0:00 Battery
5:11 Master Of Puppets
13:46 Welcome Home (Sanitarium)
20:14 The Thing That Should Not Be
26:49 Disposable Heroes
35:04 Leper Messiah
40:46 Orion
49:11 Damage, Inc.
Heres a link for the lyrics 
Rights to Metallica!
I do not own any rights!




import re, datetime
p = '\d+:\d+'
for i in re.finditer(p, times):
    m, s =':')
    if m != '0' and s != '00':
        time2 = datetime.datetime(* [1] * 4, int(m), int(s)) - datetime.timedelta(seconds=5)
        newtime = ':'.join([str(time2.minute), str(time2.second).zfill(2)])
        times = times[:i.start()] + newtime + times[i.end():]

2017, 5, 5, 5 只是 holder 值——如果有人知道更好的方法,请在评论中说出来。


import re, datetime # import modules
p = '\d+:\d+' # this is a regular expression to match digits, followed by a colon, then more digits (the format all of the times are in)
for i in re.finditer(p, times): # iterate through all of the matches found
    m, s =':') # split time by ':' -- this puts the first number, the minutes, into the m variable, and the seconds into the s variable
    if m != '0' and s != '00': # don't subtract at time="0:00"
        time2 = datetime.datetime(* [1] * 4, int(m), int(s)) # make a datetime to match the time of the video. The important parts are the `int(m), int(s)` to represent the minutes and seconds; the other numbers are just filler and can be changed (but not deleted)
        time2 -= datetime.timedelta(seconds=5) # subtract the five seconds
        newtime = ':'.join([str(time2.minute), str(time2.second).zfill(2)]) # put the time back into string format (zfill pads it with 0s to make it two digits)
        times = times[:i.start()] + newtime + times[i.end():] # replace the part of time with the new time. since strings are immutable we need to do this weird technique

关于python - 是否可以通过将文本存储为一个字符串或使用 Python 的其他内容来添加或减去文本中的所有时间?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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