python - 为什么 A star 比 Dijkstra 更快,即使启发式在网络中设置为 Nonex

标签 python time networkx dijkstra a-star

这是我之前问题的更新版本。我在 Jupyter notebook 的两点之间运行 NetworkX 中的两种算法(你可以在你现在的任何网络上尝试)。结果显示 astar 更快,即使启发式为 None。我想“无”意味着它是 Dijkstra。我错了吗?

import osmnx as ox
import networkx as nx
G = ox.graph_from_place('Manhattan, New York, USA', network_type='drive')
#change to a simple network in order to run Astar


nx.dijkstra_path(G_simple, 42434910, 595314027,  weight='length') #the node is random selected from nodes in the graph


CPU times: user 15.4 ms, sys: 1.86 ms, total: 17.2 ms
    Wall time: 17.1 ms


nx.astar_path(G_simple, 42434910, 595314027, heuristic=None, weight='length')


CPU times: user 8.8 ms, sys: 313 µs, total: 9.12 ms
Wall time: 9.18 ms


Dijkstra implementation NetworkX 正在使用,到达目标节点时不会停止。 A* 实现。

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