python - 每日提及一个词

标签 python pandas nlp word-count

我有以下 df,包含来自不同来源的每日文章:


Date         content

2018-11-01    Apple Inc. AAPL 1.54% reported its fourth cons...
2018-11-01    U.S. stocks climbed Thursday, Apple is a real ...
2018-11-02    GONE are the days when smartphone manufacturer...
2018-11-03    To historians of technology, the story of the ...
2018-11-03    Apple Inc. AAPL 1.54% reported its fourth cons...
2018-11-03    Apple is turning to traditional broadcasting t...


我想计算“Apple”一词的每日提及 的总数 - 因此按日期汇总。如何创建“final_df”?


    2018-11-01    2
    2018-11-02    0
    2018-11-03    2


使用count对于新的 Series,按列 df['Date']sum 聚合:

df1 = df['content'].str.count('Apple').groupby(df['Date']).sum().reset_index(name='count')
print (df1)
         Date  count
0  2018-11-01      2
1  2018-11-02      0
2  2018-11-03      2

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