python - Django 测试 : RequestFactory() follow redirect

标签 python django django-testing

在 Django 中,我有一个 View ,它将重定向到某些用户的注册页面,我想为此编写一个测试。

用于测试的标准 request.client.get 不允许我指定用户(它只是默认为 anonymous_user?),所以我不能测试行为。

使用 RequestFactory() 我能够指定 request.user。但是,它没有遵循重定向,因此测试失败。

from .views import my_view
from django.test import RequestFactory()

def test_mytest(self):
    user = create_guest_user()
    self.factory = RequestFactory()
    request = self.factory.get(reverse('my_view'), follow=True)
    request.user = user
    response = my_view(request)
    self.assertContains(response, "page where redirected should contain this")


AssertionError: 302 != 200 : Couldn't retrieve content: Response code was 302 (expected 200)


编辑:据我所知,这不是重复的,因为它指的是 RequestFactory(),它不同于 self.client.get(其中 follow=True 将解决问题)。


要验证默认的 Django 客户端,您可以使用 force_login 客户端上的方法:

user = create_guest_user()

If your site uses Django’s authentication system, you can use the force_login() method to simulate the effect of a user logging into the site. Use this method instead of login() when a test requires a user be logged in and the details of how a user logged in aren’t important.

要使用测试 client 跟随重定向(或不跟随),您必须使用 follow 参数,如下所述:

self.client.get(url, follow=True)

If you set follow to True the client will follow any redirects and a redirect_chain attribute will be set in the response object containing tuples of the intermediate urls and status codes.


from django.test import TestCase

class MyTestCase(TestCase):
    def test_mytest(self):
        user = create_guest_user()
        response = self.client.get(reverse('my_view'), follow=True)
        # Do your assertions on the response here

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