python - 检查两个列表是否在一个 pandas 列中

标签 python pandas



         col 1                 
  ['apple', 'truck' ]
  ['truck', 'orange']
  ['pear',  'motorcycle']
  ['pear', 'orange' ]
  ['apple', 'pear'  ]
  ['truck', 'car'   ]

  vehicles = ['car', 'truck', 'motorcycle']
  fruits = ['apple', 'orange', 'pear']

  desired output:

        col 2

  ['apple', 'truck' ]
  ['pear', 'motorcycle']
  ['truck', 'orange']


从列表列创建 DataFrame,通过 DataFrame.isin 测试成员资格, 然后通过 ~ 反转掩码,用 DataFrame.any 检查每行至少一个 True对于列表和最后一个链条条件,按位 AND - & 过滤 boolean indexing :

df1 = pd.DataFrame(df['col 1'].values.tolist())
df = df[(~df1.isin(vehicles)).any(axis=1) & (~df1.isin(fruits)).any(axis=1)]
print (df)
                col 1
0      [apple, truck]
1     [truck, orange]
2  [pear, motorcycle]

另一种解决方案是 set 的交集由 链接(因为是标量)并转换为 bool - 空集被转换为 错误:

def func(x):
    s = set(x)
    v = set(vehicles)
    f = set(fruits)
    return bool((s & v) and (s & f))

df = df[df['col 1'].apply(func)]
print (df)
                col 1
0      [apple, truck]
1     [truck, orange]
2  [pear, motorcycle]

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