python - 查找最大值或最小值的键

标签 python python-3.x

maxmin函数对每个元素只计算一次 key 参数,这是我从 list.sort 的文档中推断出来的他们提到的(以及对其实现的有根据的猜测):

The key corresponding to each item in the list is calculated once and then used for the entire sorting process.


对于非确定性 key ,以下方法不起作用:

max_val = max(iterable, key=key)
max_key = key(max_val)


max_val = sorted(iterable, key=key)[0]


from itertools import tee
def max_and_key(iterable, *, key=None):
    i1, i2 = tee(iterable)
    max_val = max(k, -i, v for i, (k, v) in enumerate(zip(map(key, i1), i2)))
    return max_val[2], max_val[0]

tee有必要使这项工作适用于任意可迭代对象,其中 zip 的元素必须在不相互干扰的情况下处理可迭代对象的相同元素。 zip 确保 tee 一次不必存储多个元素,以最大限度地减少计算的惰性。 Enumeration确保对于键相同但值不同的情况,以与原始函数一致的方式保持比较的稳定性:

If multiple items are maximal [minimal], the function returns the first one encountered.






为此,您需要预先计算 key 。将键/值放在元组中可能最有意义。但是,您需要注意 min/max/sort 只对键而不是值进行比较(否则如果值不可比较,如果有重复的键,这将失败):

from operator import itemgetter

def max_with_key(iterable, key):
    Returns a (max_key, max_value) tuple by applying max to the iterable with
    the given key. Useful in cases when the key function is non-deterministic
    and the original key used in the max operation is desired.

    >>> from random import randint
    >>> max_with_key([1, 2, 3], key=lambda _: randint(0, 10))
    (9, 3)
    >>> max_with_key([1, 2, 3], key=lambda _: randint(0, 10))
    (8, 1)
    prekeyed = ((key(x), x) for x in iterable)
    return max(prekeyed, key=itemgetter(0))

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