python - Django session 变量重置

标签 python django session-variables session-cookies

我有一个基于 cookie 的 session ,我试图将两个页面之间的数据保存在 session 中,但是存储在 session 变量中的数据一直处于静止状态。


At Home page:
request.session['foo'] = []
print request.session['foo'] will yield ['bar']

On second page:
print request.session['foo'] will yield []



request.session['foo'].append('bar') 不影响 session 。只有 request.session['...'] = .../del request.session['...'] 影响 session 。


request.session['foo'] = ['bar']

By default, Django only saves to the session database when the session has been modified – that is if any of its dictionary values have been assigned or deleted:

# Session is modified.
request.session['foo'] = 'bar'

# Session is modified.
del request.session['foo']

# Session is modified.
request.session['foo'] = {}

# Gotcha: Session is NOT modified, because this alters
# request.session['foo'] instead of request.session.
request.session['foo']['bar'] = 'baz'

In the last case of the above example, we can tell the session object explicitly that it has been modified by setting the modified attribute on the session object:

request.session.modified = True


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