python - 将离散值映射到颜色

标签 python matplotlib

我正在尝试基于 4 个离散值 1、2、3、4 创建 pcolor。我想将 1 定义为黑色,2 为红色,3 为黄色,4 为绿色。有人知道怎么做吗?

test = ([1,2,2,1,3],[1,1,1,1,4],[2,1,1,2,1])
import numpy as np

dataset = np.array(test)



我认为您不想使用 pcolor。 From the Matlab docs (大概 matplotlib pcolor 做了同样的事情):

The minimum and maximum elements of C are assigned the first and last colors in the colormap. Colors for the remaining elements in C are determined by a linear mapping from value to colormap element.

您可以尝试使用 imshow,并使用 dict 来映射您想要的颜色:

colordict = {1:(0,0,0),2:(1,0,0),3:(1,1,0),4:(0,1,0)}
test = ([1,2,2,1,3],[1,1,1,1,4],[2,1,1,2,1])
test_rgb = [[colordict[i] for i in row] for row in test]
plt.imshow(test_rgb, interpolation = 'none')

enter image description here

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