python - 合并二维数组

标签 python multidimensional-array


arrayOne = [["james", 35], ["michael", 28], ["steven", 23], 
            ["jack", 18], ["robert", 12]]
arrayTwo = [["charles", 45], ["james",  36], ["trevor", 24], 
            ["michael", 17], ["steven", 4]]

我想合并它们,这样我就有了一个二维数组,其中每个内部数组的第一个元素是名字(james、charles 等)。内部数组的第二个元素是它在 arrayOne 中的相应值,如果没有相应的值则为 0。第三个元素则相反。只要数字与名称匹配,顺序并不重要。换句话说,我会得到这样的东西

arrayResult = [["james", 35, 36], ["michael", 28, 17], ["steven", 23, 4],
               ["jack", 18, 0], ["robert", 12, 0], ["charles", 0, 45],
               ["trevor", 0, 4]]




dictOne = dict(arrayOne)
dictTwo = dict(arrayTwo)


combined = dict()
for name in set(dictOne.keys() + dictTwo.keys()):
  combined[name] = [ dictOne.get(name, 0), dictTwo.get(name, 0) ]

这样做是创建一个名为 combined 的新字典,我们将把最终数据放入其中。然后,我们从两个原始字典中创建一组键。使用集合可确保我们不会做任何事情两次。最后,我们遍历这组键并将每对值添加到 combined 字典,告诉调用 .get 方法以提供 0 如果没有值。如果您需要将组合字典切换回数组,那也很容易:

arrayResult = []
for name in combined:
  arrayResult.append([ name ] + combined[name])


combined = dict()
for name in set(dictOne.keys() + dictTwo.keys() + dictThree.keys()):
  combined[name] = [ dictOne.get(name, 0), dictTwo.get(name, 0), dictThree.get(name, 0) ]


def combine(*args):
  # Create a list of dictionaries from the arrays we passed in, since we are
  # going to use dictionaries to solve the problem.
  dicts = [ dict(a) for a in args ]

  # Create a list of names by looping through all dictionaries, and through all
  # the names in each dictionary, adding to a master list of names
  names = []
  for d in dicts:
    for name in d.keys():

  # Remove duplicates in our list of names by making it a set
  names = set(names)

  # Create a result dict to store results in
  result = dict()

  # Loop through all the names, and add a row for each name, pulling data from
  # each dict we created in the beginning
  for name in names:
    result[name] = [ d.get(name, 0) for d in dicts ]

  # Return, secure in the knowledge of a job well done. :-)
  return result

# Use the function:
resultDict = combine(arrayOne, arrayTwo, arrayThree)

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