loops - 如何将多个值从模板传递到模板?

标签 loops go struct slice go-templates

我的 City 结构是这样的:

type City struct {
    ID      int
    Name    string
    Regions []Region

Region 结构是:

type Region struct {
    ID               int
    Name             string
    Shops            []Destination
    Masters          []Master
    EducationCenters []Destination




{{range .}}
            {{range .Regions}}
                      {{template "data" .Shops $city $region}}


引自 text/template 的文档,{{template}} 操作的语法:

{{template "name"}}
    The template with the specified name is executed with nil data.

{{template "name" pipeline}}
    The template with the specified name is executed with dot set
    to the value of the pipeline.

这意味着您可以将一个可选数据传递给模板执行,而不是更多。如果你想传递多个值,你必须将它们包装成你传递的某个单一值。有关详细信息,请参阅 How to pass multiple data to Go template?

所以我们应该将这些数据包装到结构或映射中。但是我们不能在模板中编写 Go 代码。我们可以做的是注册一个我们将这些数据传递给的函数,该函数可以进行“打包”并返回一个值,现在我们可以将其传递给 {{template}} 操作。

这是一个示例包装器,它只是将这些包装到 map 中:

func Wrap(shops []Destination, cityName, regionName string) map[string]interface{} {
    return map[string]interface{}{
        "Shops":      shops,
        "CityName":   cityName,
        "RegionName": regionName,

可以使用 Template.Funcs() 注册自定义函数方法,并且不要忘记在解析模板文本之前必须执行此操作。

这是一个修改后的模板,它调用此 Wrap() 函数来生成单个值:

const src = `
{{define "data"}}
    City: {{.CityName}}, Region: {{.RegionName}}, Shops: {{.Shops}}
{{- range . -}}
        {{- range .Regions -}}
              {{- template "data" (Wrap .Shops $city $region) -}}
{{- end}}`


t := template.Must(template.New("cities.gohtml").Funcs(template.FuncMap{
    "Wrap": Wrap,
CityWithSomeData := []City{
        Name: "CityA",
        Regions: []Region{
            {Name: "CA-RA", Shops: []Destination{{"CA-RA-SA"}, {"CA-RA-SB"}}},
            {Name: "CA-RB", Shops: []Destination{{"CA-RB-SA"}, {"CA-RB-SB"}}},
        Name: "CityB",
        Regions: []Region{
            {Name: "CB-RA", Shops: []Destination{{"CB-RA-SA"}, {"CB-RA-SB"}}},
            {Name: "CB-RB", Shops: []Destination{{"CB-RB-SA"}, {"CB-RB-SB"}}},
if err := t.ExecuteTemplate(os.Stdout, "cities.gohtml", CityWithSomeData); err != nil {

输出(在 Go Playground 上尝试):

City: CityA, Region: CA-RA, Shops: [{CA-RA-SA} {CA-RA-SB}]

City: CityA, Region: CA-RB, Shops: [{CA-RB-SA} {CA-RB-SB}]

City: CityB, Region: CB-RA, Shops: [{CB-RA-SA} {CB-RA-SB}]

City: CityB, Region: CB-RB, Shops: [{CB-RB-SA} {CB-RB-SB}]

关于loops - 如何将多个值从模板传递到模板?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49473199/



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