python - 从 wxPython 开始

标签 python wxpython

我在使用 wxPython 中的 sizer 布置我的表单时遇到了一些挑战,如果有人能让我先开始布置我的表单,我将不胜感激,如图所示。

Sample Form




在设计复杂的图形用户界面时,我不会手动使用 sizer。请使用wxglade然后手动自定义。

做这个花了 15 分钟,包括错误(我没有填写列表控件,抱歉):

enter image description here


1) Add a Frame widget, select a wx.Frame.  

2) Customize wx.Frame properties:  
     Give the Frame a MenuBar (the property dialog for the menubar appears).  
     Customize MenuBar: Add File, Edit...  
     Go back to the Frame properties' View (click the Frame icon on the wxglade Tree View).  
     (not nice but it's the way I found to go in and out from Menu and StatusBar dialogs).  
     Give the wx.Frame a StatusBar. Go back (click the Frame icon in the wxglade Tree View).  

3) Create 3 vertical slots from the default BoxSizer (right-click on the sizer + add * 3)
      1st slot: 
          Add a BoxSizer with 5 horizontal slots
          Set proportion=0 to the sizer, set border=5 and mark wxALL
          Add 4 Buttons and a Spacer in those slots
          Mark EXPAND and set proportion=1 in the Spacer properties.

      2nd slot:
          Add a SplitterWindow. Select Vertical type.
          Optionally set border=5 with wxALL
          Add a BoxSizer to each section of the SplitterWindow
          At its left, add a ListCtrl
          At its right, add a NoteBook
          Customize NoteBook:
              Add 4 sheets.
              Add BoxSizer with 2 vertical slots to first notebook sheet.
                  1st slot: insert a wx.Panel.
                  2nd slot: add a BoxSizer with 3 horizontal slots.
                      Set proportion=0 to the sizer.
                      Add 2 buttons and 1 Spacer in those slots.
                      Mark EXPAND and set proportion=1 in the Spacer properties.

      3rd slot:
          Add a BoxSizer with 5 horizontal slots.
          Set proportion=0 to the sizer, set border=5 with wxALL
          Add 2 Buttons, 1 Spacer and 2 Buttons more.
          Mark EXPAND and set proportion=1 in the Spacer properties.

4) Give background colour to the Frame.
  (Choose wisely, you still have 5 minutes left of the 15 allotted).

最后,自定义标签、sizer 和 widget 名称等。
保存 wxGlade 文件以供将来更改并生成 Python 文件(在顶部的应用程序对话框中)。

最后一点:根据我的经验,Linux 和 Windows 在 sizer 和背景方面存在一些差异。在 Linux 中,不要使用步骤 3 中指示的默认 Frame 的 BoxSizer。而是在其上添加一个 wx.Panel,将一个 BoxSizer 添加到 Panel 并从该 sizer 继续构建。

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