python - 在python中将数据从文件导入到字典

标签 python python-3.x

我想将文件导入字典进行进一步处理。该文件包含 NLP 的嵌入向量。看起来像:

the 0.011384 0.010512 -0.008450 -0.007628 0.000360 -0.010121 0.004674 -0.000076 
of 0.002954 0.004546 0.005513 -0.004026 0.002296 -0.016979 -0.011469 -0.009159 
and 0.004691 -0.012989 -0.003122 0.004786 -0.002907 0.000526 -0.006146 -0.003058
one 0.014722 -0.000810 0.003737 -0.001110 -0.011229 0.001577 -0.007403 -0.005355


embeddingTable = {}

with open("D:\\Embedding\\test.txt") as f:
    for line in f:
       (key, val) = line.split()
       d[key] = val


ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-22-3612e9012ffe> in <module>()
 24 with open("D:\\Embedding\\test.txt") as f:
 25     for line in f:
---> 26        (key, val) = line.split()
 27        d[key] = val
 28 print(embeddingTable)

ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2)

我知道它需要 2 个值而不是 9 个值,但是是否可以插入单词作为键和向量作为值?


您需要使用 * operator

embeddingTable = {}
with open("D:\\Embedding\\test.txt") as f:
    for line in f:
       key, *values = line.split() # fix here
       embeddingTable[key] = [float(value) for value in values]

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