python - 如何在 python 中反转句子的部分内容?

标签 python python-3.x



我想创建一个函数,它接受 2 个参数、一个句子和一个要忽略的事物列表。它用相反的词返回那个句子,但是它应该忽略我在第二个参数中传递给它的东西。这是我目前拥有的:

def main(sentence, ignores):
    return ' '.join(word[::-1] if word not in ignores else word for word in sentence.split())


print(main('The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', ['quick', 'lazy']))


print(main('The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', ['quick brown', 'lazy dog']))

预期结果: ehT quick brown xof spmuj revo eht lazy dog





import re

def main(sentence, ignores):
    # Dedup and allow fast lookup for determining whether to reverse a component
    ignores = frozenset(ignores)

    # Make a pattern that will prefer matching the ignore phrases, but
    # otherwise matches each space and non-space run (so nothing is dropped)
    # Alternations match the first pattern by preference, so you'll match
    # the ignores phrases if possible, and general space/non-space patterns
    # otherwise
    pat = r'|'.join(map(re.escape, ignores)) + r'|\S+|\s+'

    # Returns the chopped up pieces (space and non-space runs, but ignore phrases stay together
    parts = re.findall(pat, sentence)

    # Reverse everything not found in ignores and then put it all back together
    return ''.join(p if p in ignores else p[::-1] for p in parts)

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