python - 改变音效 Pygame

标签 python python-3.x audio pygame

我有大约 25 个相似的声音文件,每个文件的频率都不同。我已经编写了一些代码来根据变化的速度变量来更改正在播放的声音文件。从理论上讲,声音的音调应该随着速度的增加而增加(文件编号越大,音调越高。)这是我写的:

CurrentSound = 'CarEngine0.wav'
OldSound = CurrentSound

while True:

    CurrentSound = 'CarEngine' + str(abs(int(speed*2))) + '.wav'
    CarSound = pygame.mixer.Sound(CurrentSound)
    if not OldSound == CurrentSound:
        OldSound = CurrentSound

如果我调用 CurrentSoundOldSound 变量进行打印,它们会发生变化,但声音似乎没有变化。我做错了什么,是否有更好的方法?


如果我没理解错的话,你有 25 个声音文件,你想按照速度变量的递增顺序播放它们。 25 个声音文件名根据音高排序。




代码是在windows 8和python 2.7上写的


import pygame.mixer, pygame.time
import os

mixer = pygame.mixer  
mixer.init()  #Initialize Mixer

#Your path to audio files
filepath = "C:\\yourAudioFilePath\\"

#Iterate through counter and  audio files

for x, i in zip(range(0,25),os.listdir(filepath)):
    if i.endswith(".wav"):
        mySoundFile = mixer.Sound(filepath + i)
        print "Speed Variable = " , x , " and file = ", i 
        channel =
        while channel.get_busy():  #Check if Channel is busy
            pygame.time.wait(100)  #  wait in ms until song is played
        print "........"



Python 2.7.9 (default, Dec 10 2014, 12:24:55) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.
>>> ================================ RESTART ================================
Speed Variable =  0  playing file =  audio000.wav
Speed Variable =  1  playing file =  audio001.wav
Speed Variable =  2  playing file =  audio002.wav
Speed Variable =  3  playing file =  audio003.wav
Speed Variable =  5  playing file =  audio005.wav
Speed Variable =  6  playing file =  audio006.wav
Speed Variable =  7  playing file =  audio007.wav
Speed Variable =  8  playing file =  audio008.wav
Speed Variable =  9  playing file =  audio009.wav
Speed Variable =  10  playing file =  audio0010.wav
Speed Variable =  11  playing file =  audio0011.wav
Speed Variable =  12  playing file =  audio0012.wav
Speed Variable =  13  playing file =  audio0013.wav
Speed Variable =  14  playing file =  audio0014.wav
Speed Variable =  15  playing file =  audio0015.wav
Speed Variable =  16  playing file =  audio0016.wav
Speed Variable =  17  playing file =  audio0017.wav
Speed Variable =  18  playing file =  audio0018.wav
Speed Variable =  19  playing file =  audio0019.wav
Speed Variable =  20  playing file =  audio0020.wav
Speed Variable =  21  playing file =  audio0021.wav
Speed Variable =  22  playing file =  audio0022.wav
Speed Variable =  23  playing file =  audio0023.wav
Speed Variable =  24  playing file =  audio0024.wav

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