python - 添加新列并删除重复项,以逐列替换空值

标签 python pandas

Duplication type:
Check this column only (default)
Check other columns only
Check all columns

Use Last Value:
True - retain the last duplicate value
False - retain the first of the duplicates (default)


基本代码是 df.loc[df.duplicated(),get_unique_column_name(df, "clean")] = df[get_column_name(df, column)] duplicated() 的参数根据复制类型设置


您应该根据duplication_type 的设置来指定subset 参数中的列



Jason   Miller  42  4   25
Tina    Ali     36  31  57
Jake    Milner  24  2   62
Jason   Miller  42  4   25
Jake    Milner  24  2   62
Amy     Cooze   73  3   70
Jason   Miller  42  4   25
Jason   Miller  42  4   25
Jake    Milner  24  2   62
Jake    Miller  42  4   25

我想通过在下面的文件中使用 来获得这样的结果,我选择了 2 列。

Jason   Miller  42  4   25
Jake    Ali     36  31  57
Jake    Milner  24  2   62
Jason   Miller      4   25
Jake    Milner      2   62
Jake    Cooze   73  3   70
Jason   Miller      4   25
Jason   Miller      4   25
Jake    Milner      2   62
Jake    Miller      4   25



您可以使用 DF.duplicated并分配 C 列的值,其中第一次出现的值出现在 A 列和 B 列中。

然后您可以用空字符串填充生成的 Nans 以生成所需的数据帧。

df = pd.read_csv(data, delim_whitespace=True, header=None, names=['A','B','C','D','E'])
df.loc[~df.duplicated(), "C'"] = df['C']
df.fillna('', inplace=True)
df = df[["A","B", "C'","D","E"]]

       A       B  C'   D   E
0  Jason  Miller  42   4  25
1   Tina     Ali  36  31  57
2   Jake  Milner  24   2  62
3  Jason  Miller       4  25
4   Jake  Milner       2  62
5    Amy   Cooze  73   3  70
6  Jason  Miller       4  25
7  Jason  Miller       4  25
8   Jake  Milner       2  62
9   Jake  Miller  42   4  25

另一种方法是获取重复列的子集,并将相关列替换为空字符串。然后,您可以使用 update使用原始 df 修改数据框。

In [2]: duplicated_cols = df[df.duplicated(subset=['C', 'D', 'E'])]

In [3]: duplicated_cols
       A       B   C  D   E
3  Jason  Miller  42  4  25
4   Jake  Milner  24  2  62
6  Jason  Miller  42  4  25
7  Jason  Miller  42  4  25
8   Jake  Milner  24  2  62
9   Jake  Miller  42  4  25

In [4]: duplicated_cols.loc[:,'C'] = ''

In [5]: df.update(duplicated_cols)

In [6]: df
       A       B   C     D     E
0  Jason  Miller  42   4.0  25.0
1   Tina     Ali  36  31.0  57.0
2   Jake  Milner  24   2.0  62.0
3  Jason  Miller       4.0  25.0
4   Jake  Milner       2.0  62.0
5    Amy   Cooze  73   3.0  70.0
6  Jason  Miller       4.0  25.0
7  Jason  Miller       4.0  25.0
8   Jake  Milner       2.0  62.0
9   Jake  Miller       4.0  25.0

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