python - 求解最大权重二分 b 匹配

标签 python graph networkx bipartite pulp

我的问题是关于最大权重 B 匹配问题。

二分匹配问题将二分图中的两组顶点配对。 最大加权二分匹配 (MWM) 被定义为匹配中边的值之和具有最大值的匹配。 MWM 的一个著名的多项式时间算法是匈牙利算法。

我感兴趣的是一种特定的最大加权二分匹配,称为权重二分 B 匹配问题。权重二分 B 匹配问题 (WBM) 寻求匹配顶点,以便每个顶点匹配的顶点不超过其容量 b 允许的数量。

enter image description here

此图(来自 Chen et al.)显示了 WBM 问题。输入图的得分为 2.2,即所有边权重的总和。在所有满足红色度约束的子图中,解 H 的蓝色边缘得分最高,为 1.6。

虽然最近有一些工作解决了 WBM 问题(thisthis),但我找不到该算法的任何实现。有人知道 WBM 问题是否已经存在于像 networkX 这样的库中吗?


让我们尝试逐步执行此操作,编写我们自己的函数来解决问题中指定的 WBM 问题。

使用 pulp,当我们给定两组节点(u 和 v,边权重和顶点容量)时,制定和求解加权二分匹配 (WBM) 并不难。

在下面的第 2 步中,您将找到一个(希望易于理解)函数,用于将 WBM 制定为 ILP 并使用 pulp 求解。 仔细检查它是否有帮助。 (你需要pip install pulp)

第 1 步:设置二分图容量和边权重

import networkx as nx
from pulp import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from_nodes = [1, 2, 3]
to_nodes = [1, 2, 3, 4]
ucap = {1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 2} #u node capacities
vcap = {1: 1, 2: 1, 3: 1, 4: 1} #v node capacities

wts = {(1, 1): 0.5, (1, 3): 0.3,
       (2, 1): 0.4, (2, 4): 0.1,
       (3, 2): 0.7, (3, 4): 0.2}

#just a convenience function to generate a dict of dicts
def create_wt_doubledict(from_nodes, to_nodes):

    wt = {}
    for u in from_nodes:
        wt[u] = {}
        for v in to_nodes:
            wt[u][v] = 0

    for k,val in wts.items():
        u,v = k[0], k[1]
        wt[u][v] = val

第 2 步:求解 WBM(公式化为整数规划)


  • WBM 是分配问题的变体。
  • 我们将 RHS 的节点“匹配”到 LHS。
  • 边有权重
  • 目标是最大化所选边的权重总和。
  • 附加约束集:对于每个节点,所选边的数量必须小于其指定的“容量”。
  • PuLP Documentation如果您不熟悉 puLP


def solve_wbm(from_nodes, to_nodes, wt):
''' A wrapper function that uses pulp to formulate and solve a WBM'''

    prob = LpProblem("WBM Problem", LpMaximize)

    # Create The Decision variables
    choices = LpVariable.dicts("e",(from_nodes, to_nodes), 0, 1, LpInteger)

    # Add the objective function 
    prob += lpSum([wt[u][v] * choices[u][v] 
                   for u in from_nodes
                   for v in to_nodes]), "Total weights of selected edges"

    # Constraint set ensuring that the total from/to each node 
    # is less than its capacity
    for u in from_nodes:
        for v in to_nodes:
            prob += lpSum([choices[u][v] for v in to_nodes]) <= ucap[u], ""
            prob += lpSum([choices[u][v] for u in from_nodes]) <= vcap[v], ""

    # The problem data is written to an .lp file

    # The problem is solved using PuLP's choice of Solver

    # The status of the solution is printed to the screen
    print( "Status:", LpStatus[prob.status])

def print_solution(prob):
    # Each of the variables is printed with it's resolved optimum value
    for v in prob.variables():
        if v.varValue > 1e-3:
            print(f'{} = {v.varValue}')
    print(f"Sum of wts of selected edges = {round(value(prob.objective), 4)}")

def get_selected_edges(prob):

    selected_from = ["_")[1] for v in prob.variables() if v.value() > 1e-3]
    selected_to   = ["_")[2] for v in prob.variables() if v.value() > 1e-3]

    selected_edges = []
    for su, sv in list(zip(selected_from, selected_to)):
        selected_edges.append((su, sv))

第 3 步:指定图形并调用 WBM 求解器

wt = create_wt_doubledict(from_nodes, to_nodes)
p = solve_wbm(from_nodes, to_nodes, wt)


Status: Optimal
e_1_3 = 1.0
e_2_1 = 1.0
e_3_2 = 1.0
e_3_4 = 1.0
Sum of wts of selected edges = 1.6

第 4 步:可选地,使用 Networkx 绘制图形

selected_edges = get_selected_edges(p)

#Create a Networkx graph. Use colors from the WBM solution above (selected_edges)
graph = nx.Graph()
colors = []
for u in from_nodes:
    for v in to_nodes:
        edgecolor = 'blue' if (str(u), str(v)) in selected_edges else 'gray'
        if wt[u][v] > 0:
            graph.add_edge('u_'+ str(u), 'v_' + str(v))

def get_bipartite_positions(graph):
    pos = {}
    for i, n in enumerate(graph.nodes()):
        x = 0 if 'u' in n else 1 #u:0, v:1
        pos[n] = (x,i)

pos = get_bipartite_positions(graph)

nx.draw_networkx(graph, pos, with_labels=True, edge_color=colors,
       font_size=20, alpha=0.5, width=3)



enter image description here

蓝色边缘是为 WBM 选择的边缘。希望这有助于您继续前进。

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