python - 多处理另一个函数的函数

标签 python python-3.x multiprocessing shared-memory concurrent.futures


使用共享字典和 lib concurrent.futures,我设法写了这个:

import concurrent.futures as Cfut
def multiprocess_loop_grouped(function, param_list, group_size, Nworkers, *args):
    # function : function that is running in parallel
    # param_list : list of items
    # group_size : size of the groups
    # Nworkers : number of group/items running in the same time
    # **param_fixed : passing parameters

    manager = mlp.Manager()
    dic = manager.dict()
    executor = Cfut.ProcessPoolExecutor(Nworkers)

    futures = [executor.submit(function, param, dic, *args)
           for param in grouper(param_list, group_size)]

    return [dic[i] for i in sorted(dic.keys())]


def read_file(files, dictionnary):
    for file in files:
        i = int(file[4:9])
        if 'bz2' in file:
            os.system('bunzip2 ' + file)
            file = file[:-4]
        dictionnary[i] = np.loadtxt(file)
        os.system('bzip2 ' + file)

Map = np.array(multiprocess_loop_grouped(read_file, list_alti, Group_size, N_thread))


def autocorr(x):
    result = np.correlate(x, x, mode='full')
    return result[result.size//2:]

def find_lambda_finger(indexes, dic, Deviation):
    for i in indexes :
        # Beach = Deviation[i,:] - np.mean(Deviation[i,:])
        dic[i] = Anls.find_first_max(autocorr(Deviation[i,:]), valmax = True)

args = [Deviation]
Temp = Rescal.multiprocess_loop_grouped(find_lambda_finger, range(Nalti), Group_size, N_thread, *args)

基本上,它是有效的。但效果不佳。有时它会崩溃。有时它实际上启动了与 Nworkers 数量相等的 python 进程,有时当我指定 Nworkers = 15 时,一次只有 2 或 3 个进程在运行。

例如,我提出的以下主题中描述了我遇到的一个经典错误:Calling matplotlib AFTER multiprocessing sometimes results in error : main thread not in main loop

什么是更 Pythonic 的方式来实现我想要的?我怎样才能改进控制这个功能?如何控制更多正在运行的 python 进程的数量?


Python 多处理的基本概念之一是使用队列。当您有一个可以迭代且不需要由子流程更改的输入列表时,它工作得很好。它还可以让您很好地控制所有进程,因为您可以生成所需的数量,您可以让它们闲置或停止。




import multiprocessing as mp
import numpy as np
import itertools as it

def worker1(in_queue, out_queue):
    #holds when nothing is available, stops when 'STOP' is seen
    for a in iter(in_queue.get, 'STOP'):
        #do something
        out_queue.put({a: result}) #return your result linked to the input

def worker2(in_queue, out_queue):
    for a in iter(in_queue.get, 'STOP'):
        #do something differently
        out_queue.put({a: result}) //return your result linked to the input

def multiprocess_loop_grouped(function, param_list, group_size, Nworkers, *args):
    # your final result
    result = {}

    in_queue = mp.Queue()
    out_queue = mp.Queue()

    # fill your input
    for a in param_list:
    # stop command at end of input
    for n in range(Nworkers):

    # setup your worker process doing task as specified
    process = [mp.Process(target=function,
               args=(in_queue, out_queue), daemon=True) for x in range(Nworkers)]

    # run processes
    for p in process:

    # wait for processes to finish
    for p in process:

    # collect your results from the calculations
    for a in param_list:

    return result

temp = multiprocess_loop_grouped(worker1, param_list, group_size, Nworkers, *args)
map = multiprocess_loop_grouped(worker2, param_list, group_size, Nworkers, *args)

当您担心您的队列会耗尽内存时,它可以变得更加动态。比您需要在进程运行时填充和清空队列。看这个例子here .

结语:它并不像您要求的那样更加 Pythonic。但对于新手来说更容易理解 ;-)

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