unit-testing - 使用testing.T作为匿名结构体字段: "too many arguments in call to this.T.common.Fail"

标签 unit-testing struct go

我正在尝试解决 Karate Chop Go 中的 kata 作为练习,并在我的测试用例中遇到了这个编译器错误:

too many arguments in call to this.T.common.Fail

我将 testing.T 包装到带有附加方法的结构中,作为匿名结构字段:

package main

import (

type assertions struct {
func (this assertions) assert_equal(expected int, actual int) {
    if (expected != actual) {
        this.Fail(fmt.Sprintf("Failed asserting that %v is %v", actual, expected));

func TestChop(t *testing.T) {
  test := assertions{t}

  test.assert_equal(-1, Chop(3, []int{}))
  test.assert_equal(-1, Chop(3, []int{1}))

我希望 this.Fail 在匿名 testing.T 结构字段上调用 ​​Fail(),该字段采用字符串参数。为什么情况并非如此? this.T.common.Fail 从何而来?我在 testing 包文档中找不到任何对 common 的引用。


Source file src/testing/testing.go

// Fail marks the function as having failed but continues execution.
func (c *common) Fail() {
  defer c.mu.Unlock()
  c.failed = true

// common holds the elements common between T and B and
// captures common methods such as Errorf.
type common struct {
  mu       sync.RWMutex // guards output and failed
  output   []byte       // Output generated by test or benchmark.
  failed   bool         // Test or benchmark has failed.
  skipped  bool         // Test of benchmark has been skipped.
  finished bool

  start    time.Time // Time test or benchmark started
  duration time.Duration
  self     interface{}      // To be sent on signal channel when done.
  signal   chan interface{} // Output for serial tests.

// T is a type passed to Test functions to manage test state and support formatted test logs.
// Logs are accumulated during execution and dumped to standard error when done.
type T struct {
  name          string    // Name of test.
  startParallel chan bool // Parallel tests will wait on this.

func (*T) Fail

func (c *T) Fail()

Fail marks the function as having failed but continues execution.

T.common.Fail() 没有参数。


func (*T) Errorf

func (c *T) Errorf(format string, args ...interface{})

Errorf is equivalent to Logf followed by Fail.


this.Errorf("Failed asserting that %v is %v", actual, expected)

关于unit-testing - 使用testing.T作为匿名结构体字段: "too many arguments in call to this.T.common.Fail",我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32172132/


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