python - 如何停止在 vim 中调试 python

标签 python vim python-mode

这是我第一次在带有 python-mode 插件的 vim 中编辑 python 代码。设置断点后,我使用“\r”命令运行它。然后在打印'[pymode]code running ...'后它保持静止。我尝试了一些方法,但仍然无法退出调试。它无论如何都没有反应我做什么。


根据官方调试器命令(来自 here ):

[usage:] dbg command [options]
- quit    :: exit the debugger
- run     :: continue execution until a breakpoint is reached or the program ends
         default shortcut: \r
- stop    :: exit the debugger
- over    :: step over next function call
         default shortcut: \o
- watch   :: execute watch functions
         default shortcut: \w
- up      :: go up the stack
         default shortcut: \u
- here    :: continue execution until the cursor (tmp breakpoint)
         default shortcut: \h
- down    :: go down the stack
         default shortcut: \d
- exit    :: exit the debugger
- eval    :: eval some code
- break   :: set a breakpoint
         default shortcut: \b
- into    :: step into next function call
         default shortcut: \i
- out     :: step out of current function call
         default shortcut: \t

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