python - 列表的自定义字符串表示取决于项目数 (Python)

标签 python python-3.x list



  • 对于没有项目,即 [] 应该输出 {}
  • 对于 1 个项目,即 ["Cat"] 应该输出 {Cat}
  • 对于 2 个项目,即 ["Cat", "Dog"] 应该输出 {Cat and Dog}
  • 对于 3 个或更多项目,即 ["Cat", "Dog", "Rabbit", "Lion"] 应该输出 {Cat, Dog, Rabbit and Lion}

我目前正在用一堆 if 语句做这样的事情:

def customRepresentation(arr):
  if len(arr) == 0:
    return "{}"
  elif len(arr) == 1:
    return "{" + arr[0] + "}"
  elif len(arr) == 2:
    return "{" + arr[0] + " and " + arr[0] + "}"
    # Not sure how to deal with the case of 3 or more items

是否有更 pythonic 的方法来做到这一点?


假设单词本身永远不会包含逗号。您可以改用 join replace 在一行中处理所有案例:

>>> def custom_representation(l):
...   return "{%s}" % " and ".join(l).replace(" and ", ", ", len(l) - 2)
>>> for case in [], ["Cat"], ["Cat", "Dog"], ["Cat", "Dog", "Rabbit", "Lion"]:
...   print(custom_representation(case))
{Cat and Dog}
{Cat, Dog, Rabbit and Lion} 

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