python - libvirt - 通过 API 确定域使用的卷

标签 python libvirt

virt-manager 中,当查看连接详细信息下的存储选项卡时,有一个“使用者”列显示使用每个卷的域:

enter image description here

如何使用 API(python 绑定(bind))确定相同的信息,即使用给定卷的域?

我浏览了 API documentation并在 libvirt、libvirt.virConnect、libvirt.virStoragePool 和 libvirt.virStorageVol 上运行了 dir(),但我仍然对此一头雾水。



import libvirt
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET

URI = "qemu:///system"
VM = "truffles"

# Get the virDomain object
conn =
domain_object = conn.lookupByName(VM)

# Get the XML description of the VM
vm_xml = domain_object.XMLDesc(0)

# Get the volume in use from the element tree
root = ET.fromstring(vm_xml)
disk_source = root.find('./devices/disk/source')
volume_in_use = disk_source.get('file')

print volume_in_use

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