python - 使用 python flask 的松弛事件 API 响应

标签 python slack-api

我正在使用松弛事件 API。我正在获取有关订阅事件的事件。 但是如何使用 python 请求发送响应。几秒钟后,slack 再次发回相同的事件 我需要将什么 json 发送回 slack 作为响应以停止获得相同的响应? 如果您知道代码,请提前致谢:)

def slack_webhook():
    print("Slack Webhook.....!!!")

    data = json.loads("utf-8"))
    if 'challenge' in data:

    if data['type'] == 'event_callback':
        response = make_response("", 200)
        response.headers['X-Slack-No-Retry'] = 1
        print("returning response")
        return response



您需要做的就是在 3 秒内用 HTTP 200 OK 直接响应 Slack 的请求。如果您的应用在该时间内终止,这将自动发生。


这是 documentation 中所说的内容:

Your app should respond to the event request with an HTTP 2xx within three seconds. If it does not, we'll consider the event delivery attempt failed. After a failure, we'll retry three times, backing off exponentially.

Maintain a response success rate of at least 5% of events per 60 minutes to prevent automatic disabling.

Respond to events with a HTTP 200 OK as soon as you can. Avoid actually processing and reacting to events within the same process. Implement a queue to handle inbound events after they are received.

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