interface - Go:函数回调返回接口(interface)的实现

标签 interface go callback return-value return-type




package resource

var (
    tex_types    map[string]func(string) *Texture = make(map[string]func(string) *Texture)
    shader_types map[string]func(string) *Shader  = make(map[string]func(string) *Shader)

type Texture interface {
    Texture() (uint32, error)
    Width() int
    Height() int

func AddTextureLoader(ext string, fn func(string) *Texture) {
    tex_types[ext] = fn


package texture

type DDSTexture struct {
    path   string
    _tid   uint32
    height uint32
    width  uint32

func NewDDSTexture(filename string) *DDSTexture {
    return &DDSTexture{
        path:   filename,
        _tid:   0,
        height: 0,
        width:  0,

func init() {
    resource.AddTextureLoader("dds", NewDDSTexture)

DDSTexture 完全实现了 Texture 接口(interface),我只是省略了这些函数,因为它们很大并且不是我的问题的一部分。


resource\texture\dds.go:165: cannot use NewDDSTexture (type func(string) *DDSTexture) as type func (string) *resource.Texture in argument to resource.AddTextureLoader

我该如何解决这个问题,或者这是界面系统的一个错误?只是重申一下:DDSTexture 完全实现了 resource.Texture



但是命名类型 NewDDSTexture (type func(string) *DDSTexture) 与未命名类型 func (string) *resource.Texture 不同:它们的<强> type identity 不匹配:

Two function types are identical if they have the same number of parameters and result values, corresponding parameter and result types are identical, and either both functions are variadic or neither is. Parameter and result names are not required to match.

A named and an unnamed type are always different.


type FuncTexture func(string) *Texture
func AddTextureLoader(ext string, fn FuncTexture)

cannot use NewDDSTexture (type func(string) `*DDSTexture`) 
as type `FuncTexture` in argument to `AddTextureLoader`

此处,结果值类型与 DDSTextureresource.Texture 不匹配:
即使一个实现了另一个的接口(interface),它们的 underlying type仍然不同):你不能 assign一对一。

您需要 NewDDSTexture() 返回 Texture(没有指针,因为它是一个接口(interface))。

func NewDDSTexture(filename string) Texture

参见this example .

正如我在“Cast a struct pointer to interface pointer in golang”中所解释的,您通常不需要指向接口(interface)的指针。

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