c++ - 可以函数返回 0 作为引用

标签 c++

I have this snippet of the code

Account& Company::findAccount(int id){
        for(list<Account>::const_iterator i = listOfAccounts.begin(); i != listOfAccounts.end(); ++i){
            if(i->nID == id){
                return *i;
        return 0;

如果我没有找到合适的帐户,这是返回 0 的正确方法吗? 因为我收到一个错误:

no match for 'operator!' in '!((Company*)this)->Company::findAccount(id)'


            throw "hey";




A reference shall be initialized to refer to a valid object or function. [ Note: in particular, a null reference cannot exist in a well-defined program, because the only way to create such a reference would be to bind it to the “object” obtained by dereferencing a null pointer, which causes undefined behavior.

关于c++ - 可以函数返回 0 作为引用,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3060545/


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