C++ 在字符串中找不到 ";"

标签 c++ if-statement vector


string messages = "This is an option; This is a really long option; Another One For Testing Sake; This is the last one I swear; You lied to me!";

';'字符串中的字符将被视为分隔符。在宏伟的计划中,这个字符串被调用到一个函数中 res.addMessages(messages); 其代码是:

void ConflictResMenu::addMessages(string messages) {

    int idx = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < messages.length(); i++) {

        cout << messages.find_first_of(';') << endl;
        if (messages[i] == this->delim) {

            this->split_messages.push_back(messages.substr(idx, i));
            idx = i + 1;


这个问题是 if 子句在所有错误的时间被调用,所以输出结果如下:

This is an option
This is a really long option; Another One For
Another One For Testing Sake; This is the last one I swear; You lied to me!
This is the last one I swear; You lied to me!



您可能会使用 std::istringstreamstd::getline拆分字符串:

std::istringstream is(messages);

std::string msg;
while (std::getline(is, msg, ';'))

关于C++ 在字符串中找不到 ";",我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18464168/


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