c++ - 链表头指针在传递给函数 c++ 时发生变化

标签 c++ pointers linked-list



    /* adds a Doctor to the Hospital's list of Doctors */
    void Hospital::hireDoctor(Doctor *doc)
        DoctorNode node;
        node.value = *doc;
        DoctorNode* curr;

        if (drListHead == NULL) {    //if doctor list is empty,
            drListHead = &node;    //insert the node at the beginning
            node.next = NULL;
            node.prev = NULL;
        } else {
            curr = drListHead;
            //traverse list until equal or greater (alphabetical) value is found:
            while (curr->value.getLast().compare(node.value.getLast()) < 0 &&
            curr->value.getFirst().compare(node.value.getFirst()) < 0) {
                curr = curr->next;
            if (curr->prev == NULL) {     //if inserting at the beginning of the list
               drListHead = &node;
               node.prev = NULL;
               node.next = curr;
            } else if (curr->next == NULL) { //if the end of the list has been reached
                curr->next = &node;
                node.prev = curr;
                node.next = NULL;
            } else {              //insert the new DoctorNode in the middle:
                curr->next->prev = &node;
                node.next = curr->next;
                curr->next = &node;
                node.prev = curr;


    struct DoctorNode {
      Doctor value;
      DoctorNode *next;
      DoctorNode *prev;

因此,一旦通过 hireDoctor 函数,如果我“雇用”了一位名叫 John Smith 的医生,我希望 drListHead 指向 John Smith,这似乎就是发生的事情。但是,在第二次通过该函数时,雇用 Jane Doe,似乎 drListHead 在进入该函数时已经指向 Jane Doe。我无法弄清楚它在哪里发生变化。任何想法将不胜感激!



        if (drListHead == NULL) {    //if doctor list is empty,
            drListHead = &node;    //insert the node at the beginning  <------
            node.next = NULL;
            node.prev = NULL;

您的节点在堆栈上初始化,并且在退出 hireDoctor 后它将指向堆栈的地址。下次您调用 hireDoctor 时,节点再次指向同一个地址,即 Jane Doe(纯属巧合)。你需要这个:

            if (drListHead == NULL) {    //if doctor list is empty,
                drListHead = new DoctorNode();    //heap allocation 
                drListHead->next = NULL;
                drListHead->prev = NULL;


关于c++ - 链表头指针在传递给函数 c++ 时发生变化,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12820069/


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