c++ - 我得到一个 "string subscript out of range error"。我不明白为什么

标签 c++ string function for-loop


程序信息:该程序将输入名字和姓氏,对其进行验证并应用大小写转换。用户输入名字和姓氏后,它将清除屏幕并显示用户输入的名字。然后它会输入产品评级,对其进行验证并应用大小写转换。显示一个标题,后跟一个与 5 个产品值(value)相对应的条形图。

编辑:我想对帮助过我的人说声谢谢。谢天谢地,我终于解决了这个问题。我不得不说这里有一个很棒的社区,而且 react 非常好。我现在要去上课,但我会为将来可能遇到同样问题的人发布我更新的代码。再次非常感谢你们。

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

void Name (string, string&, const int);
void Rating (string&, int[], const int);

void main()
    const int MAX_FIRST_NAME = 20;
    const int MAX_LAST_NAME  = 25;
    const int MAX_PRODUCTS   =  5;

    string  firstNameQuestion = "First Name";
    string  lastNameQuestion  = "Last  Name";

    string    firstName;
    string     lastName;
    string ratingString;

    int ratingInt [MAX_PRODUCTS];

    while (true)
        Name (firstNameQuestion, firstName, MAX_FIRST_NAME);

        if (firstName == "Quit")

        Name (lastNameQuestion, lastName, MAX_LAST_NAME);

        if (lastName == "Quit")

        system ("cls");

        cout << "First Name: "  << firstName;
        cout << endl;
        cout << "Last  Name: "  << lastName;
        cout << endl;
        cout << endl;

        Rating (ratingString, ratingInt, MAX_PRODUCTS);

void Name (string question, string& answer, const int MAX)
    int count;

        cout << question << " (" << MAX << " chars max. type \"quit\" to stop):     ";
        getline (cin, answer);
    while (answer.empty() || answer.length() > MAX);

    answer[0] = toupper (answer[0]);

    for (count = 1; count < answer.length(); count++)
        answer[count] = tolower ( answer[count] );

void Rating (string& ratingString, int ratingInt[], const int MAX)
    int  count;
    int    who;

    for (count = 0; count < MAX; count++)
            cout << "Rating for product no." << count + 1 << " (A to E): ";
            cin  >> ratingString[count];
            ratingString[count] = toupper (ratingString[count]);
        while (ratingString.empty() || ratingString.length() > 1 ||     ratingString[count] > 'E');

    for (who = 0; who < MAX; who++)
        if (ratingString[who] == 'A')
            ratingInt[who] = 10;

        if (ratingString[who] == 'B')
            ratingInt[who] = 8;

        if (ratingString[who] == 'C')
            ratingInt[who] = 6;

        if (ratingString[who] == 'D')
            ratingInt[who] = 4;

            ratingInt[who] = 2;

    cout << endl;
    cout << endl;
    cout << "Consumer satisfaction bar chart: ";
    cout << endl;

    for (count = 0; count > MAX; count++)
        cout << endl;
        cout << "Product #" << count + 1 << "      ";

        for (who = 0; who > ratingInt[count]; who++)

            cout << "*";


第 45 行

Rating (ratingString, ratingInt, MAX_PRODUCTS);

ratingString 为空。 当运行到Line76时

    cin  >> ratingString[count];



    char cc;
    cin  >> cc;

关于c++ - 我得到一个 "string subscript out of range error"。我不明白为什么,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13577820/


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