c++ - 有序数组。调整大小不允许有序元素

标签 c++ arraylist resize push

我正在制作一个有序数组。元素有序的地方。示例 1,2,3,4,5,6,77,89,100,201。我要求用户输入数组的大小。这很好,推送功能将按顺序排列元素。但是当调整 arrayList 的大小时,元素不再以有序的方式分配。


//  Name:           Array::Resize
//  Description:    Resize the array to a new size.
//  Arguments:      p_size.  The new size of the Array.
    void Resize(int p_size)//resizes the array to the size of p_size
        cout << "Did i get this far ";
        if(p_size < 0)//checks if new size is less than 0
            cout << "ERROR! Size of an array can not be less than 0!" << endl;
        else//else its ok to continue
            Datatype* newArray = new Datatype[p_size];//creates a pointer newArray that points at a new array
            if(newArray == 0)
            cout << "Did i get this far ";
            int min;

            if(p_size < size)//checks the if the new array is smaller than the old one
                min = p_size;
            else//else its going to be bigger
                min = size;
            cout << "Did i get this far ";
            int index;
            int temp = num_elements;//puts num_elements into a temporary variable called temp
            num_elements = 0;//num_elements is set to 0
            for(index = 0; index < min; index++)
                newArray[index] = m_array[index];//places everything from the old array into the new array that will fit.
                if(num_elements < temp)//if the num_elements is less than temp(the original num_elements)
                    num_elements++;//increment num_elements. This will keep incrementing to create the new num_elements based the number of elements cut off in the resize
            size = p_size;//sets the old size to be equal to the new size
            cout << "Did i get this far ";
            if(m_array != 0)
            cout << "\nI am just about to delete ";
            //delete[] m_array;//deletes the old array
            m_array = newArray;//makes m_array point at the new array
            newArray = 0;//makes newArray a null pointer

// Name:             Push
// Description:      
void push(Datatype p_item)
    if(num_elements == size)//checks if the array is full and needs to be resized
        Resize(size + g_size);//calls the resize function

    int pos = num_elements;
    for(int x=0;x<num_elements;x++)
        if(p_item < m_array[x])

    //loops through the array from high to low moving all values to the right
    //to make space for the passed in value until it gets to the right place
    for(int index = num_elements; index >= pos; index--)
        m_array[index] = m_array[index-1];//moves the values to the right
        m_array[pos] = p_item;//the passed in value is positioned into its ordered position

    cout<< "Num Elements " << num_elements;
    cout<< "Size " <<size;

//  Name:           template <class Datatype>   
//  Description:        


template <class Datatype>
//  Class: OrderedArray.            
class OrderedArray
//  Member Variables.           
Datatype* m_array;
int size;
int g_size;
int num_elements;   //Counter for the number of elements in the Array.
//  Name:           Constructor.
//  Description:    Constructs the Array.
OrderedArray(int p_size)
    //Sets the Array size.
    m_array = new Datatype[p_size]; 
    size = p_size;
    grow_size = 1;  
    //How many elements are in the Array.
    num_elements = 0;               



我建议使用 m 最后一个元素的拷贝作为新元素,而不是默认构造的实例。因此,最后一个元素将大于或等于数组中所有前面的元素。

关于c++ - 有序数组。调整大小不允许有序元素,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15356436/


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