c++ - Turtle(模拟框架)编译错误

标签 c++ unit-testing boost turtle-mock

我正在尝试在 Turtle 中编译一个简单示例(使用 boost 单元测试框架),但在 Turtle 中出现编译错误。

我假设 Turtle 确实没有错误,这是我做错了或不兼容的事情。




#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
#include <turtle/mock.hpp>

     BOOST_CHECK(1 == 4);

** 我对其进行了提炼,因此它甚至不使用任何 Turtle 功能,只是包含它会导致错误。


In file included from ../turtle/include/turtle/detail/../matcher.hpp:14,
                 from ../turtle/include/turtle/detail/function.hpp:16,
                 from ../turtle/include/turtle/detail/functor.hpp:12,
                 from ../turtle/include/turtle/reset.hpp:14,
                 from ../turtle/include/turtle/mock.hpp:14,
                 from test.cpp:5:
../turtle/include/turtle/detail/../detail/is_functor.hpp:22: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ‘(’ token
In file included from ../turtle/include/turtle/detail/function.hpp:16,
                 from ../turtle/include/turtle/detail/functor.hpp:12,
                 from ../turtle/include/turtle/reset.hpp:14,
                 from ../turtle/include/turtle/mock.hpp:14,
                 from test.cpp:5:
../turtle/include/turtle/detail/../matcher.hpp:87: error: ‘is_functor’ is not a member of ‘mock::detail’
../turtle/include/turtle/detail/../matcher.hpp:87: error: ‘is_functor’ is not a member of ‘mock::detail’
../turtle/include/turtle/detail/../matcher.hpp:87: error: template argument 1 is invalid
../turtle/include/turtle/detail/../matcher.hpp:88: error: template argument 3 is invalid
../turtle/include/turtle/detail/../matcher.hpp:89: error: expected unqualified-id before ‘>’ token

编译行: g++ test.cpp -o 测试 -I ../turtle/include/-lboost_unit_test_framework

我正在使用: g++ (GCC) 4.4.6 20120305 (红帽 4.4.6-4) 海龟 1.2.4


正如 cv_and_he 所评论的,问题在于使用了旧的 bo​​ost 版本。
更新到最新的 boost (1.54.0) 解决了这个问题。

关于c++ - Turtle(模拟框架)编译错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19342258/


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