c++ - 用户输入整数后跟垃圾

标签 c++ error-handling user-input cin

在我的简单 Fraction类,我有以下方法来获取 numerator 的用户输入,它可以很好地检查像 garbage 这样的垃圾输入, 但不会识别以整数开头且后跟垃圾 1 garbage 的用户输入或 1garbage .

void Fraction::inputNumerator()
    int inputNumerator;

    // loop forever until the code hits a BREAK
    while (true) {
        std::cout << "Enter the numerator: ";

        // attempt to get the int value from standard input
        std::cin >> inputNumerator;

        // check to see if the input stream read the input as a number
        if (std::cin.good()) {

            numerator = inputNumerator;

        } else {

            // the input couldn't successfully be turned into a number, so the
            // characters that were in the buffer that couldn't convert are
            // still sitting there unprocessed.  We can read them as a string
            // and look for the "quit"

            // clear the error status of the standard input so we can read

            std::string str;
            std::cin >> str;

            // Break out of the loop if we see the string 'quit'
            if (str == "quit") {
                std::cout << "Goodbye!" << std::endl;

            // some other non-number string.  give error followed by newline
            std::cout << "Invalid input (type 'quit' to exit)" << std::endl;

我看到一些关于使用 getline 的帖子方法,但是当我尝试它们时它们没有编译,而且我找不到原始帖子,抱歉。



// attempt to get the int value from standard input
if(std::cin >> inputNumerator)
    numerator = inputNumerator;
} else { // ...

或者是:按照建议解析一个完整的输入行,适本地组合 std::getline()std::istringstream

关于c++ - 用户输入整数后跟垃圾,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21649543/


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