c++ - 内存布局练习 C++

标签 c++ memory-layout

我正在阅读 B.Stroustrup 的“使用 C++ 的编程原则和实践”,并且我正在尝试完成大部分练习。这个非常有趣,我不知道从哪里开始。


Consider the layout in 17.4. Write a program that tells the order in which static storage, the stack, and the free store are laid out in memory. In which direction does the stack grow : upward toward higher addresses or downward toward lower addresses?

17.4 中的布局:

Code - memory for code

Static data - space for global variables

Free store - available memory

Stack - memory for calling functions and space for their arguments and local variables





Isn't it supposed to be handled by compiler


这是一个起点,完全按照 Joseph Mansfield 的建议进行。

#include <iostream>

int static_data;

int main()
    int stack_data;

    if ( &static_data < &stack_data )
        std::cout << "Static data is in lower memory than the stack.";

关于c++ - 内存布局练习 C++,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29438702/


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