c++ - 实现霍夫曼树

标签 c++ data-structures visual-studio-2017

我有一个程序可以根据在文本输入文件中读取的 ascii 字符频率生成霍夫曼树。霍夫曼编码存储在一个包含 256 个元素的字符串数组中,如果未读取字符,则为空字符串。




我当前的函数(fileName 是输入文件参数,fileName2 是输出文件参数):

void encodeOutput(const string & fileName, const string & fileName2, string code[256]) {
    ifstream ifile;//to read file
    ifile.open(fileName, ios::binary);
    if (!ifile)//to check if file is open or not
        die("Can't read again"); // function that exits program if can't open
    ofstream ofile; 
    ofile.open(fileName2, ios::binary); 
    if (!ofile) {
        die("Can't open encoding output file"); 
    int read;
    read = ifile.get();//read one char from file and store it in int
    while (read != -1) {//run this loop until reached to end of file(-1)
        ofile << code[read]; //put huffman code of character into output file
        read = ifile.get();//read next character


你不能只使用 ofile << code[read];如果你需要的是写 bits,最小单位 ofstream理解为一个字节。

为了克服这个问题,您可以将您的位写入某种“位缓冲区”(char 就可以),并在它有 8 位时写出 。我不完全知道你的代码字符串是什么样的,但应该这样做:

char buffer = 0, bit_count = 0;
while (read != -1) {
  for (int b = 0; b < code[read].size(); b++) {
    buffer << 1;
    buffer |= code[read][b] != 0;
    if (bit_count == 8) {
      ofile << buffer;
      buffer = 0;
      bit_count = 0;
  read = ifile.get();

if (bit_count != 0)
  ofile << (buffer << (8 - bit_count));

关于c++ - 实现霍夫曼树,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55050936/


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