c++ - 使用 FMOD 库录音

标签 c++ recording fmod

是否有关于 FMOD 的 C++ 教程显示如何从麦克风录制声音? 甚至可能吗? 谢谢大家。


确实可以。查看 FMOD 示例目录(\FMOD SoundSystem\FMOD Programmers API Win32\examples\recording),您会找到“录音”示例。

/*=============================================================================================== Record example Copyright (c), Firelight Technologies Pty, Ltd 2004-2010.

This example shows how to record a sound, then write it to a wav file. It then shows how to play a sound while it is being recorded to. Because it is recording, the sound playback has to be delayed a little bit so that the playback doesn't play part of the buffer that is still being written to. ===============================================================================================*/

关于c++ - 使用 FMOD 库录音,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7000199/


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