c++ - 使用一些 C++ 模板包装器代码将自己陷入 const 角落

标签 c++ templates stl constants

我正在开发一个用于序列化数据的模板化框架,但在我的代码中遇到了一些涉及常量保证的问题。我找到了几种解决 const 问题的方法(使用 const_cast 和其他更肮脏的技术),但我想我应该在这里问这个问题。


#include <deque>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <memory>

using namespace std; // bad form, but for simplicity

// Forward decl's
template <typename C, typename SubC> class Wrapper;

template <typename C, typename SubC>
struct w_iterator
    typedef w_iterator           _Self;
    typedef SubC &               _Ref;
    typedef SubC *               _Ptr;
    typedef typename C::iterator internal_iter;

    // Default c-tors
    w_iterator() = delete;
    w_iterator(const internal_iter & i) : internal(i) { }

    // Copy c-tor
    w_iterator(const w_iterator & i) : internal(i.internal) { }

    // Dereference operators - the implementation of these is
    // hackish and and awful, its done this way purely to create
    // a simplified example
    _Ref operator * () const
        { proxy.reset(new SubC(*internal)); return *proxy; }
    _Ptr operator -> () const
        { proxy.reset(new SubC(*internal)); return proxy.get(); }

    // Comparison
    bool operator == (const _Self & i)
        { return (internal == i.internal); }
    bool operator != (const _Self & i)
        { return (internal != i.internal); }

    // Manipulation
    _Self & operator ++ () { ++internal; return *this; }

    // This is a hack to simplify the example, my real code uses a different mechanism
    // for the temporary storage of the return type for the dereference objects
    mutable std::unique_ptr<SubC> proxy;
    internal_iter internal;

template <typename C, typename SubC>
struct const_w_iterator
    typedef w_iterator<C,SubC>         _nonConstSelf;
    typedef const_w_iterator           _Self;
    typedef const SubC &               _Ref;
    typedef const SubC *               _Ptr;
    typedef typename C::iterator       nonconst_internal_iter;
    typedef typename C::const_iterator internal_iter;

    const_w_iterator(const nonconst_internal_iter & i) : internal(i) { }
    const_w_iterator(const internal_iter & i) : internal(i) { }

    // Dereference
    _Ref operator * () const
        { proxy.reset(new SubC(*internal)); return *proxy; }
    _Ptr operator -> () const
        { proxy.reset(new SubC(*internal)); return proxy.get(); }

    // Comparison
    bool operator == (const _Self & i)
        { return (internal == i.internal); }
    bool operator == (const _nonConstSelf & i)
        { return (internal == i.internal); }
    bool operator != (const _Self & i)
        { return (internal != i.internal); }
    bool operator != (const _nonConstSelf & i)
        { return (internal != i.internal); }
    // Manipulation
    _Self & operator ++ () { ++internal; return *this; }

    // This is a hack to simplify the example, my real code uses a different mechanism
    // for the temporary storage of the return type for the dereference objects    
    mutable std::unique_ptr<const SubC> proxy;
    internal_iter internal;

template <typename C, typename SubC>
class Wrapper
    // Typedefs - shared btw here & const_Wrapper
    typedef w_iterator<C, SubC>       iterator;
    typedef const_w_iterator<C, SubC> const_iterator;

    // Default construction - only allow construction with an underlying
    // container
    Wrapper(C & c) : container(&c) { }

    // Copy constructor
    Wrapper(const Wrapper & c) = delete; // violates const-ness
    Wrapper(Wrapper & c) : container(c.container) { }

    // Iterator access
    iterator begin() { return iterator(container->begin()); }
    iterator end() { return iterator(container->end()); }

    const_iterator cbegin() const
        { return const_iterator(container->cbegin()); }
    const_iterator cend() const
        { return const_iterator(container->cend()); }

    // Accessor functions
    size_t length() const { return container->size(); }

    C * container;

 #define BROKEN 1
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
    deque<string> d = { "one", "two", "three" };
    deque<decltype(d)> dd = { d };
    deque<decltype(dd)> ddd { dd };

    cout << d.size() << " " << dd.size() << " " << ddd.size() << endl;

    Wrapper<decltype(d), string> w(d);
    Wrapper<decltype(dd), decltype(w)> ww(dd);
    Wrapper<decltype(ddd), decltype(ww)> www(ddd);

    for (auto i = www.begin(); i != www.end(); ++i)
        cout << "www: " << i->length() << endl;
        // produces the error: no matching function for call to
        //   'Wrapper<deque<string>, string>::Wrapper(const deque<string>&)'
        for (auto j = i->cbegin(); j != i->cend(); ++j)
        for (auto j = i->begin(); j != i->end(); ++j)
            cout << "ww: " << j->length() << endl;
            for (auto k = j->cbegin(); k != j->cend(); ++k)
                cout << *k << endl;

    return 0;

现在,很明显为什么当 BROKEN == 1 时编译失败。 ,但我很难找出构建事物的正确方法,以避免我想要在 Wrapper 内部有一个非常量指针的事实,但仍然希望保留 cbegin() 的返回类型的 const 语义。和cend() 。我尝试了一些方法,包括创建一个单独的 const_Wrapper具有不同语义的类,但这些包装类不断遇到模板解析问题。





const_w_iterator<decltype(dd), decltype(w)> itr = ww.cbegin();

问题是对 proxy.reset(new SubC(*internal)); 的调用,在本例中相当于:

proxy.reset(new Wrapper<decltype(d), string>(*internal))
                                          //     ^
                                          //const decltype(d)

但是一个Wrapper<const T, ...>不能接受T在构造函数中。我认为这就是可以找到解决方案的地方;如果你的子类采用 decltype(d) ,您需要将 decltype(d) 传递给它;不确定解决方案到底是什么,但也许上面的内容可以帮助别人发现它!

关于c++ - 使用一些 C++ 模板包装器代码将自己陷入 const 角落,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15303790/


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