c++ - 如何打印结构 vector ?是不是没有保存数据?

标签 c++ vector struct


这就是我的主界面的样子(我删除了菜单的 switch 语句以节省空间)。

 #include <iostream>
 #include <iomanip>
 #include <vector>
 #include "functions.h"
 using namespace std;

 void addAProduct (vector<Product>);

 int main()
        cout << setprecision(2) << fixed << showpoint << left;                          //Format Output

    char   option;                                              //Declare Variable

    vector<Product> productVect;                                    //Create Empty Vector of Structs

    bool menu = true;

    while (menu)                                                //While Loop
        cout << "\nMenu";                                       //Menu
        cout << "\n1. Display Products";
        cout << "\n2. Add a Product";
        cout << "\n3. Edit a Product";
        cout << "\n4. Exit";
        cout << "\n\n";
        cin >> option;

void addAProduct (vector<Product> vect)
    Product tempProduct;

    tempProduct.upc = 100000 + (rand() % 99999);
    cout <<"\nPlease enter a name for the Product's Manufacturer. ";
    getline(cin, tempProduct.manufacturer);
    cout << "\nPlease enter a name for the Product. ";
    getline(cin, tempProduct.name);
    cout << "\nPlease enter a value for the Product's Price. ";
    cin >> tempProduct.price;
    cout << "\nPlease enter a value for the Product's Quantity. ";
    cin >> tempProduct.quantity;
    tempProduct.value = tempProduct.quantity * tempProduct.price;

我还在其中添加了一个函数,它最初来 self 的函数头文件,但当它不起作用时,我认为当我将它放入 main 中时它会起作用。但它仍然不起作用。


#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

struct Product                                                  //Struct of Product
    int upc;                                                //All Members to Be Determined By User at a Later Time with the Exception of the UPC
    string manufacturer;
    string name;
    float price;
    int quantity;
    double value;

//Display Products
void displayProducts(vector<Product> vect)
        cout << "\nSorry, no values exist in the database.";
        for (int count = 0; count < vect.size(); count++)                           //For Loop to Display All Products
                cout << "\nUPC: " << vect[count].upc << "\nManufacturer: " << vect[count].manufacturer << "\nProduct Name: " << vect[count].name << "\nPrice: $" << vect[count].price << "\nQuantity: " << vect[count].quantity << "\nTotal Value: $" << vect[count].value << endl;
        cout << endl;

//Add a Product
void addProduct(vector<Product> vect)
    Product tempProduct;

    tempProduct.upc = 100000 + (rand() % 99999);
    cin.ignore(256, '\n');
    cout << "\nPlease enter a name for the Product's manufacturer. ";
    getline(cin, tempProduct.manufacturer);
    cout << "\nPlease enter a name for the Product. ";
    getline(cin, tempProduct.name);
    cout << "\nPlease enter a value for the Product's Price. $";
    cin >> tempProduct.price;
    cout << "\nPlease enter a value for the Product's Quantity. ";
    cin >> tempProduct.quantity;
    tempProduct.value = tempProduct.quantity * tempProduct.price;






void addAProduct (vector<Product>& vect)


由于 displayProducts() 不会修改由 const& 传递的提供的 vector:

void displayProducts(const vector<Product>& vect)

参见range-for C++11 中引入了更简单的范围迭代代码。

关于c++ - 如何打印结构 vector ?是不是没有保存数据?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20356622/


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