V8 中的 Javascript 等价物?

标签 javascript c++ node.js v8

我正在使用 NodeJS 和 V8,试图学习两者。

我想用 C++ 翻译这个简单的 JS 行。

global.Game = { sleep: call_some_CPP_function }; 


下面的代码不起作用,如果我执行 console.log(global.Game),我什么也得不到。

#include "node.h"
#include "v8.h"

namespace node{

    using namespace v8; // make life easier

    // define a sleepy thread blocker
    Handle<Value> call_some_CPP_function(const FunctionCallbackInfo<Value>& a){
        HandleScope scope(node_isolate);
        return scope.Close(Undefined());

    // let's create the object here
    // I'm calling this function elsewhere 
    void execme(){

        // I've read somewhere that I have to do this
        Locker locker(node_isolate);
        HandleScope scope(node_isolate);

        // I think these two set the execution context (variables) and "this" accordingly 
        // but I'm not sure
        Local<Context> context = node_isolate->GetCurrentContext();
        Context::Scope context_scope(context);

        // I need a reference to the global object, to assign my "Game" object
        Local<Object> global = node_env->context()->Global();

        // The only way is to invent a constructor for it
        Local<FunctionTemplate> function_template = FunctionTemplate::New();

        // and create a new instance using that constructor
        Local<Object> game_object = function_template->GetFunction()->NewInstance();

        // after that, add the "sleep" function, which executes the function above
        NODE_SET_METHOD(game_object, "sleep", call_some_CPP_function); 

        // and finally do the global.Game assignment
        global->Set(String::New("Game"), game_object);




#include <node.h>
#include <v8.h>

using namespace v8;

// sleep 3 seconds
Handle<Value> Sleep(const Arguments& args) {
  HandleScope scope;
  return scope.Close(Undefined());

void init(Handle<Object> exports) {

NODE_MODULE(game, init)


global.Game = require('./build/Release/game');

console.log(global.Game); // this will print "{ sleep: [Function] }"

//now you can call native sleep


关于V8 中的 Javascript 等价物?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21322185/


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