c++ - arduino为多维数组赋值

标签 c++ arrays arduino

我有一个 arduino 项目,它使用二维数组来跟踪行/列信息。如果我尝试将行、列对分配给特定元素,则会收到错误:

expected primary-expression before '{' token


player[0][0] = 1;
player[0][1] = 2;  //this works
//but . . .
player[0] = {1,2};  //doesn't work

//here is more specific code from the project
// …. a bunch of code here declaring various global variables

int players[6][2];  //two dimensional array with 6 players each with a 2 value array (column and row)           
int score1;  //player 1 score
int score2;  //player2 score

//code here for setup/loop/etc.. Code calls the setPlayerPositions() function

void setPlayerPositions() 
    players[0] = {2,1};  //set the position of the ball (player[0]) to row 2, column 1
    players[1] = {1,4};  //set other player positions . . .
    players[2] = {2,4};  
    players[3] = {3,4};  
    players[4] = {2,6};  
    players[5] = {2,9};  




引用:Arduino 食谱... http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=nxxKNCYXRIwC&lpg=PA31&ots=dH_fWczOAp&pg=PA31#v=onepage

关于c++ - arduino为多维数组赋值,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22289386/


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