c++ - 为什么 CMake 使用 Opencv 未正确设置包含目录(MSVC 2010 项目)

标签 c++ qt opencv cmake visual-studio-2010

我使用 git 检查了最新 openCV 版本的源代码,使用 CMake 创建了 msvc 解决方案文件,最后使用 MSVC 2010 构建了库。接下来,我构建了安装项目以获取 opencv/msvc_2010/install 目录,其中包含子目录中的所有 dll 和头文件。我调整了 PATH 变量以包含 opencv/msvc_2010/install/bin 中的 dll。到目前为止,上帝,但如果我现在尝试使用与以前相同的 CMakeLists 文件来编译我的旧项目,CMake 不会在项目属性中设置 opencv 头文件,并且我会收到以下错误:

fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'opencv2\opencv.hpp': No such file or directory

我的 CMakeLists.txt 文件通常如下所示:

#CMakeLists.txt for Qt5 projects
# Main changes to Qt4: target_link_libraries, include_directories,
# and add_definitions is not needed anymore and replaced by
# qt5_use_modules.
# QT5_WRAP_CPP is replaced by set(CMAKE_AUTOMOC ON).

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.9)

#Set project name
set(PROJECT_NAME ImageClient)

#Search for Qt5
find_package(Qt5Widgets REQUIRED)
#Search for OpenCV
find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED)

# Assure that moc is run when needed. Removing this line, you will
# have to run moc manually or get linker errors.

# This line includes the current Dir of CMake. The xxx.ui file is
# converted to a ui_xxx.h file by uic.exe. The header ui_xxx.h file
# is located in the build directory. To make this header visible to
# MSVS the build path needs to be included.

#Set sources and headers and forms
set(SOURCES src/Main.cpp src/CImageClient.cpp src/CCameraHandler.cpp
src/CCameraCapture.cpp src/CImageWidget.cpp src/CSnapAndFind.cpp)
set(HEADERS src/CImageClient.h src/CCameraHandler.h
src/CCameraCapture.h src/CImageWidget.h src/CSnapAndFind.h)
set(FORMS src/snapAndFind.ui)

#set(RESOURCES src/xxx.rc)

#This line is necessary to cal uic.exe and creates the ui_xxx.h
#files from the xxx.ui files. The header is created the first time
#the project is compiled

#Add all source files to the executable

target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} ${Qt5Core_QTMAIN_LIBRARIES}             ${Qt5_QTNETWORK_LIBRARY} ${OpenCV_LIBS})

#Qt5 macro encapsulates all of the variable usage required to use a
#Qt module.
qt5_use_modules(${PROJECT_NAME} Widgets Network)

当然,我可以手动设置附加包含目录,但我更喜欢由 CMake 构建的工作解决方案。 OpenCV_DIR 由 CMake 自动设置为 C:/clibs/opencv/build_msvs2010,这是正确的。但不知何故,它无法将头文件添加到项目中。运行CMake时没有报错。 昨天,我的旧版本一切正常并已编译。有人看出这里出了什么问题吗?顺便说一句,QT 已找到并正确包含。<​​/p>


用于查找 OpenCV 的 .cmake 文件以以下几行开头:

#  Usage from an external project:
#    In your CMakeLists.txt, add these lines:
#    Or you can search for specific OpenCV modules:
#    FIND_PACKAGE(OpenCV REQUIRED core highgui)
#    If the module is found then OPENCV_<MODULE>_FOUND is set to TRUE.
#    This file will define the following variables:
#      - OpenCV_LIBS                     : The list of libraries to links against.
#      - OpenCV_LIB_DIR                  : The directory(es) where lib files are. Calling LINK_DIRECTORIES
#                                          with this path is NOT needed.
#      - OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS             : The OpenCV include directories.
#      - OpenCV_COMPUTE_CAPABILITIES     : The version of compute capability
#      - OpenCV_ANDROID_NATIVE_API_LEVEL : Minimum required level of Android API
#      - OpenCV_VERSION                  : The version of this OpenCV build. Example: "2.4.0"
#      - OpenCV_VERSION_MAJOR            : Major version part of OpenCV_VERSION. Example: "2"
#      - OpenCV_VERSION_MINOR            : Minor version part of OpenCV_VERSION. Example: "4"
#      - OpenCV_VERSION_PATCH            : Patch version part of OpenCV_VERSION. Example: "0"
#    Advanced variables:
#      - OpenCV_SHARED
#      - OpenCV_CONFIG_PATH



Qt 会自动为您完成此操作,但 OpenCV 不会。

关于c++ - 为什么 CMake 使用 Opencv 未正确设置包含目录(MSVC 2010 项目),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23445327/


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