c++ - Cython 字符串管理和内存

标签 c++ c cython

我刚刚开始使用 Cython。我尝试将此 Python 函数移植到 Cython 以提高其速度,但现在速度较慢。一开始速度有点快,但我尝试改进字符串连接和内存分配,因为它们相当于 80% 的处理时间,但随后情况变得更糟:)。我当然选择了最慢的字符串连接和内存分配解决方案。

我应该使用 malloc 吗?在 Cython 中,多个 strcat 是一个非常糟糕的选择吗?什么是更好的选择?

PS:我没有重新使用我的 python 优化(使用字符串的中间数组并在末尾连接到字符串),因为我找不到在 Cython 末尾进行连接的正确方法。

新的 Cython 代码(更新:用 sprintf 替换 strcat,跟踪字符串大小以避免重新计算):

# Input: takes an array of string in input (typically extracted from a csv) with 
# different options to help better formatting the output.
# It then builds a string made of the different part of this array. Those data are used for
# classification (target class, tag, different float/int data, different categorical data).
# Ouput: it returns a string compliant to vowpal wabbit input format.
# Sample input:
# array_to_vw(["No", "10990", "32", "64", "28", "dog", "food", "jedi"], False, 0, [], [2, 3, 4], 1, [0, 1], 
# re.compile('Y(es)?|T(rue)?|\+?1'), re.compile('No?|F(alse)?|0|-1'), re.compile('^(\-)?[0-9.]*$')) 
# output:
# "-1 '10990 |i f2:32 f3:64 f4:28 | dog food jedi"
# note: Regex are usually stored not compiled whenever calling this function
def array_to_vw(data, train=False, int category_index=0, categorical_colnums=[], numerical_colnums=[], int tag_index=-1, skipped_idx=[0], cpregex=None, cnregex=None, cfloatregex=None):  cdef char[5] category

  cdef char[20] category
  cdef char[1000] outline_array
  cdef char[500] categorical_array
  cdef char[20] col
  cdef char[20] tag

  cdef int outline_array_len = 0
  cdef int categorical_array_len = 0
  cdef int colnum = 0

  categorical_array[0] = 0
  strcpy(category, data[category_index])

  categorical_array_len = sprintf(categorical_array, "| ")

  if cpregex.match(category): # regex for positive category
    strcpy(category, '1')
  elif cnregex.match(category): # regex for negative category
    strcpy(category, '-1')
  elif train: # if no valid class but in train mode, set default positive value
    strcpy(category, '1')
    sys.exit("Category's regex did not match a record:\n" + category)
  # format the beginning of the string output (change if a tag is specified)
  if tag_index > -1:
    strcpy(tag, data[tag_index])
    outline_array_len = sprintf(outline_array, "%s '%s |i ", category, tag)
    outline_array_len = sprintf(outline_array, "%s |i ", category)

  for colnum in range(len(data)):
    if sprintf(col, data[colnum]) > 0 and colnum not in skipped_idx:
      if colnum in categorical_colnums:
        categorical_array_len += sprintf(categorical_array + categorical_array_len, "%s ", col)
      elif colnum in numerical_colnums:
        outline_array_len += sprintf(outline_array + outline_array_len, "f%d:%s ", colnum, col)
        if cfloatregex.match(data[colnum]): # If the feature is a number, then give it a label
          outline_array_len += sprintf(outline_array + outline_array_len, "f%d:%s ", colnum, col)
        else: # If the feature is a string, then let vw handle it directly
          categorical_array_len += sprintf(categorical_array + categorical_array_len, "%s ", col)

  if categorical_array_len > 2:
    sprintf(outline_array + outline_array_len, "%s\n", categorical_array)
    strcpy(outline_array + outline_array_len, "\n")

  #print outline_array
  return outline_array


  def array_to_vw(data, train=False, category_index=0, categorical_colnums=[], numerical_colnums=[], tag_index=-1, skipped_idx=[0], cpregex=None, cnregex=None, cfloatregex=None):
    # providing pre-compiled regex to array_to_vw() really improve performance if array_to_vw() is called many times
    if cfloatregex is None: 
      cfloatregex = re.compile('^(\-)?([0-9.]+e(\+|-))?[0-9.]+$')
    if cpregex is None:
      cpregex = re.compile('Y(es)?|T(rue)?|\+?1')
    if cnregex is None:
      cnregex = re.compile('No?|F(alse)?|0|-1')

    category = data[category_index]
    #if re.search(pregex, category): # regex for positive category
    if cpregex.match(category): # regex for positive category
      category = '1'
    #elif re.search(nregex, category): # regex for negative category
    elif cnregex.match(category): # regex for negative category
      category = '-1'
    elif train: # if no valid class but in train mode, set default positive value
      category = '1'
      sys.exit("Regex did not match a record, exiting.\nPostive Regex: " + pregex + "\nNegative Regex: "+ nregex + "\nRecord:\n" + str(data))

    if tag_index > -1:
      tag = data[tag_index]
      outline_array = [category, " '", tag, " |i "]
      outline_array = [category, "| "]

    colnum = 0
    categorical_array = ['| ']
    for col in data:
      if col and colnum not in skipped_idx:
        if colnum in categorical_colnums:
          #outline_array.extend([col, ' '])
          categorical_array.extend([col, ' '])
        elif colnum in numerical_colnums:
          outline_array.extend(['f', str(colnum), ':', col, ' '])
          #outline_array = "%sf%s:%s " % (outline_array, str(colnum), col)
          colstr = str(colnum)
          if cfloatregex.match(col): # If the feature is a number, then give it a label
            #print "numerical col:", colstr
            outline_array.extend(['f', colstr, ':', col, ' '])
          else: # If the feature is a string, then let vw handle it directly
            #print "categorical col:", colstr
            categorical_array.extend([col, ' '])
            # once a column is detected as a string/categorical it shouldn't be processed differently later on

      #colnum = colnum + 1
      colnum += 1

    #if len(categorical_array) > 1:
    #  outline_array.extend(categorical_array)

    return "".join(outline_array)


如果使用 NumPy 对操作进行矢量化,则可以大大加快速度。例如,以下是如何获取输入数据列表/数组并确定哪些索引是数字,而不使用(相对较慢的)正则表达式:

>>> data = ["No", "10990", "32", "64", "28", "dog", "food", "jeddy"]

>>> np.genfromtxt(np.array(data))
array([nan, 10990., 32., 64., 28., nan, nan, nan])

>>> np.isnan(np.genfromtxt(np.array(data)))
array([True, False, False, False, False, True, True, True], dtype=bool)

希望这能让您体验到什么是可能的。至少这将完全消除正则表达式匹配,这可能是现在代码中较慢的部分之一。而且它不需要 Cython。

关于c++ - Cython 字符串管理和内存,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25006280/


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