algorithm - 通过添加或乘以节点找到树可以生成的所有数字

标签 algorithm data-structures tree binary-tree


换句话说,我想显示所有数字,这些数字可以通过在路径的节点之间添加 * 或 + 来生成。



tree nodes: 10, 8, 3

number can produce from this path:

240 => 10 * 8 * 3

110 => 10 * (8 + 3)

21 => 10 + 8 + 3

83 => (10 * 8) + 3

54 => (10 + 8) * 3

34 => 10 + (8 * 3)


 private void findThePath(TreeNode tnode, int result, int n, List paths) {
        // if node is null, return
        if (tnode == null)

//adding nodes to this list, in order to save the path paths.add(tnode); // if node is leaf node, and its data equals // to user input, its path highlighted if (tnode.leftCircle == null && tnode.rightCircle == null) { if (result == n) { paths.forEach(t -> t.highlightFlag = true); paths.forEach(t -> System.out.print(t.rootCircle.getSearchKey() + " ")); } } // if left child exists, check for leaf, // and insert * or + sign between nodes, // recursively if (tnode.leftCircle != null) { findThePath(tnode.leftCircle, result + tnode.leftCircle.rootCircle.getSearchKey(), n, paths); findThePath(tnode.leftCircle, result * tnode.leftCircle.rootCircle.getSearchKey(), n, paths); } // if right child exists, check for leaf // and insert * or + sign between nodes, // recursively if (tnode.rightCircle != null) { findThePath(tnode.rightCircle, result + tnode.rightCircle.rootCircle.getSearchKey(), n, paths); findThePath(tnode.rightCircle, result * tnode.rightCircle.rootCircle.getSearchKey(), n, paths); } //we need to remove the last node in list because //its not in left or right of the nodes paths.remove(paths.size() - 1); }

see the output here:

它不包含 8 * (5 + 3) 和 8 + (5 * 3)。



关于algorithm - 通过添加或乘以节点找到树可以生成的所有数字,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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