java - 如何找到指定月份的星期几的索引?

标签 java algorithm calendar


public static int getFirstDayOfWeekInMonth(String month, int year)
    return ;

例如,如果变量 month = October,year = 2019,则返回值应为 1,因为 10 月一周的第一天是星期二(Mon = 0,Tue = 1,Wed = 2 ...) .

我想创建一个与此类似的公式,但不是 1 月为 13 日,2 月为 14 日:


private static DateTimeFormatter monthFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("MMMM", Locale.ENGLISH);

public static DayOfWeek getFirstDayOfWeekInMonth(String month, int year) {
    Month m = Month.from(monthFormatter.parse(month));
    LocalDate firstOfMonth = LocalDate.of(year, m, 1);
    return firstOfMonth.getDayOfWeek();


import java.time.DayOfWeek;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.Month;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.util.Locale;


    DayOfWeek firstDayOfTheWeek = getFirstDayOfWeekInMonth("October", 2019);
    System.out.println("First day of week of October 2019 is " + firstDayOfTheWeek);


First day of week of October 2019 is TUESDAY

我很高兴为您提供 DayOfWeek 枚举而不是数字索引。它对程序员更友好(并且同样高效)。换句话说,我看不出你为什么要数字索引,但如果你坚持:

    int dowIndex = firstDayOfTheWeek.getValue();
    System.out.println("Index is " + dowIndex);

Index is 2

DayOfWeek 从 1 = 星期一到 7 = 星期日对天进行编号。此编号符合国际标准 ISO 8601,为避免混淆,我建议您也遵循它。如果您坚持使用从 0 开始的索引,只需减去 1。


How can I change the code so that it accepts a lower-case input, like "sep"? … Just the abbreviation would be good for now.

以下版本的格式化程序接受月份缩写 (sep) 而不是完整的月份名称 (september),并且不关心大小写:

private static DateTimeFormatter monthFormatter = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder()


    DayOfWeek firstDayOfTheWeek = getFirstDayOfWeekInMonth("sep", 2019);
    System.out.println("First day of week of sep 2019 is " + firstDayOfTheWeek);
First day of week of sep 2019 is SUNDAY
Index is 7


If I want to accept both the full month name and the abbreviation, but also case-insensitive, how would I do that?

private static DateTimeFormatter monthFormatter = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder()

在格式模式中,方括号包含可选部分。 MMMM 是完整的月份名称,因此 Java 首先尝试解析一个月份(例如,九月)。无论成功与否,它都会尝试解析缩写 (MMM, sep)。如果只有一次尝试成功,则有一个月的时间,其余的与以前一样。

链接: Oracle tutorial: Date Time解释如何使用 java.time。

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