javascript - 在固定 block 中按比例调整图像大小

标签 javascript algorithm

我有 3 张随机图片和一张固定 block (200x300px)。

请帮我写一个算法,我需要按比例改变图像大小才能进入固定 block 。

图片宽度必须等于 block 宽度

var images = [

var sizes = getProportionalSizes(200, 300, images);

$.each(sizes, function(i, size){
    var $img = $("<div>", {
        class: 'img',
        width: size[0],
        height: size[1]

// todo:
function getProportionalSizes(maxWidth, maxHeight, sizes){
    return sizes;

function getRandSizes(){
    return [getRand(100,200), getRand(100,200)]

function getRand(min, max) {    
    return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;



var image1 = new Object( );
var sizeArray = getRandSizes( );
image1.width = sizeArray[0];
image1.height = sizeArray[1]; //Repeat for images 2 and 3

var images = 

images = getProportionalSizes( 200, 300, images );

images.forEach( function( image )
    var $img = $("<div>", 
        class: 'img',
        width: image.width,
        height: image.height

function getProportionalSizes(maxWidth, maxHeight, images)
    var totalHeight;

    images.forEach( function( image )
        totalHeight += image.height;

    images.forEach( function( image )
        var ratio = image.height / totalHeight;
        image.height *= ratio;
        image.width *= ratio; //This will ensure that images maintain aspect ratio, but that the total height of the 3 images matches the container height.

    return images;

function getRandSizes()
    return [getRand(100,200), getRand(100,200)]

function getRand(min, max)
    return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;

编辑------------------------ 如果要求具有完整的 block 宽度,并且图像失真无关紧要,则改为执行此操作。

function getProportionalSizes(maxWidth, maxHeight, images)
    var totalHeight;

    images.forEach( function( image )
        totalHeight += image.height;

    images.forEach( function( image )
        var ratio = image.height / totalHeight;
        image.height *= ratio;
        image.width = maxWidth //This will keep the individual image height proportional to each other, but stretch the picture in the x-direction to fill the block.

    return images;

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