java - 从随机的三元组字母表中猜一个词

标签 java c++ string algorithm data-structures


我遇到了这个问题,但我还没有找到完整的解决方案。 (来源:

Given a function


which returns a random triplet of letters from a string. You don't know the string using calls to this function you have to correctly guess the string. the length of the string is also given.

Lets say the string is helloworld the function getRandomTriplet will return things like

hlo hew wld owo

the function maintains the relative order of the letters. so it will never return

ohl since h is before o in the string. owe since w is after e

The string is not known you are only given length of the string.

到目前为止,我的方法是运行 getRandomTripplet() 1000 次,然后通过获取出现次数最多的字符(概率 > 1/10)来查找重复字符。


感谢您的帮助。 干杯!




#include <iostream>
#include <set>
#include <functional>

#include <boost/random/mersenne_twister.hpp>
#include <boost/random/uniform_int_distribution.hpp>

// the input string for the random generator
static const std::string input("hello_world");
// an "empty" character (something not present in the input string)
static const char empty = '?';
// a constant with the input length (the only known fact about the input in the algorithm)
static const unsigned length = input.length();

// randomization algorithm returning triplets
std::string randomTriplet() {
    static boost::random::mt19937 gen;
    static boost::random::uniform_int_distribution<> dist(0, input.length()-1);

    std::set<unsigned> indices;
    while(indices.size() < 3)

    std::string result;
    for(auto i : indices)
    return result;

// runs a functor for all possible combinations of input triplet acc to the rules
void allCombinations(const std::string& triplet, const std::function<void(const std::string&)>& functor) {
    for(unsigned a=0;a<length-2;++a)
        for(unsigned b=a+1;b<length-1;++b)
            for(unsigned c=b+1;c<length;++c) {
                std::string tmp(length, empty);
                tmp[a] = triplet[0];
                tmp[b] = triplet[1];
                tmp[c] = triplet[2];


// tries to merge two strings, and returns an empty string if it is not possible
std::string putTogether(const std::string& first, const std::string& second) {
    std::string result(length, empty);

    for(unsigned a=0;a<length;++a)
        if((first[a] == empty) || (first[a] == second[a]))
            result[a] = second[a];
        else if(second[a] == empty)
            result[a] = first[a];
        else if(first[a] != second[a])
            return std::string();

    return result;

// run a single iteration on a set of input states and a triplet
std::set<std::string> iterate(const std::set<std::string>& states, const std::string& triplet) {
    std::set<std::string> result;

    // try all combinations on all states
    for(auto& s : states) {
        allCombinations(triplet, [&](const std::string& val) {
            // and if merge is possible, insert it into the result
            const std::string together = putTogether(s, val);

    return result;

int main(int argc, char*argv[]) {
    // the current state space (all possible strings given the observations so far)
    std::set<std::string> states;

    // initialisation - take the first triplet and generate all combinations of this triplet
    allCombinations(randomTriplet(), [&](const std::string& val) { states.insert(val); });

    // iterate - the number of iterations is rather arbitrary. We cannot stop when the solution
    //   count is 1, because some input strings (like "hello world", where the double l and o 
    //   are the problem) don't have a unique solution
    for(unsigned a=0;a<10000;++a) {
        states = iterate(states, randomTriplet());
        std::cout << "\r" << "iteration #" << a << ", combinations count = " << states.size() << "   " << std::flush;

        // however, if we do find a single solution, we don't have to go on
        if(states.size() == 1)
    std::cout << std::endl;

    // print them all
    for(const auto& i : states)
        std::cout << i << std::endl;

    return 0;


iteration #9999, combinations count = 6     


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