algorithm - Clojure 奎尔 : nested loops while drawing lines

标签 algorithm clojure functional-programming side-effects quil

我在计算 Clojure Quil 库中的算法时遇到了严重的问题。我一直在尝试制作一些网络/植绒模式图,例如 this使用功能中间件模式。我的问题是如何在 Quild 中创建嵌套的“for 循环”,以便用一条线将任何给定点连接到任何其他点?区别在于一组点连接 1->2 3->4...等和一组连接 1->2 1->3 1->4 2->3 2->4...等


(ns stack-question.core
  (:require [quil.core :as q]
            [quil.middleware :as m]))   

;how to draw the point
(defn draw-points [point]
  (q/point (:x point) (:y point)))

;the main data structure
(defn make-point [num]
  {:name num
   :x (rand 500.0)
   :y (rand 500.0)})    

;draws connections between two objects
(defn connections [p1 p2]
      (q/stroke 200 200 100 150)
      (q/line (:x p1) (:y  p1) (:x p2) (:y p2)))))

(defn setup []
  (q/frame-rate 30)
  {:points (map make-points (take 1000 (range)))})

;this function isn't important to the question 
;but let's just say that the points move position each frame 
(defn update-state [state]
  (update state :points move-group))

;this is the problem function here.
;I'm trying to map over the collection, but with a fixed head
;and do so for each element in the collection
(defn make-conts [coll]
  (loop [x coll]
    (when (not (empty? (rest coll)))
      (map (partial connections (first x)) (rest x))
      (recur (rest x)))))

(defn draw-state [state]
    ;(q/frame-rate 1)
    (q/background 0)
    (doseq [x (map draw-point (:points state))] x)
    (doseq [x (make-conts (:points state))] x)))

(q/defsketch stack-question
  :title "GL"
  :size [500 500]
  :setup setup
  :update update-state
  :draw draw-state
  :middleware [m/fun-mode]
  :renderer :opengl)




首先是您在 when 语句中检查 (rest coll) 而不是 (rest x) ,导致无限环形。

第二个是 map 返回一个惰性序列,这意味着对 connections 的调用没有发生。这可以通过使用 doall 包装对 map 的调用来解决,但是由于您对副作用而不是返回值感兴趣,因此您应该使用 doseq 代替。

这个版本的函数(多余的 loop 也被删除)应该可以工作:

(defn make-conts [coll]
    (when (not (empty? (rest coll)))
      (doseq [endpoint (rest coll)]
        (connections (first coll) endpoint))
      (recur (rest coll))))

您可以使用 clojure.math.combinatorics 中的 combinations,而不是自己编写代码来生成组合:

(require '[clojure.math.combinatorics :as combi])

(defn make-conts [coll]
   (doseq [[p1 p2] (combi/combinations coll 2)]
     (connections p1 p2)))

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