java - 判断一个点相对于另一个点是顺时针还是逆时针的算法实际上是如何工作的?

标签 java algorithm

我正在致力于实现 Jarvis 算法(又名礼品包装)。为了确定点 p1 相对于点 p2 是顺时针还是逆时针,我使用以下公式:(y1-qY)(x2-qX) - (x1-qX)(y2-qY ) = n 其中 q 是两点所成角的顶点。如果 n < 0,则点 1 是点 2 的顺时针方向。如果 n > 0,则 point1 是 point2 的逆时针方向。

enter image description here

A) 如果 p1 = (1.5, 34.5)[黄点],p2 = (1, 2.4)[红点],且 q = (2.5, 2)[橙点],则 n = (34.5 - 2)(1 - 2.5) - (1.5 - 2.5)(2.4 - 2) = -48.35

B) 如果 p1 = (6, 2.4)[blue dot] 并且其他一切都保持不变,那么 n6 = (2.4 - 2)(1 - 2.5) - (6 - 2.5)(2.4 - 2) = 大约 -2。




I am using this formula: (y1-qY)(x2-qX) - (x1-qX)(y2-qY) = n where q is the vertex of the angle formed by the two points. If n < 0, point1 is clockwise of point2. If n > 0, point1 is counter-clockwise of point2.


the formula is indicating that the yellow dot is the most clockwise point



List<Point> jarvis(List<Point> points) {
    List<Point> hull = new ArrayList<>();
    Point q = Collections.min(points, Comparator.comparing(p -> p.x));
    do {

        Point leftMost = null;
        for (Point p : points) {
            if (p == q) continue;
            if (leftMost == null || left(p,q,leftMost)) {
                leftMost = p;

        q = leftMost;
    } while (q != hull.get(0));
    return null;

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