algorithm - 如何在 LC3 中用汇编代码制作排序算法

标签 algorithm sorting assembly lc3


    looptext getc         ;starts text get loop for name
                          ;since name isn't re-used, we don't have to save it
    add r1, r0, -10       ;Test for enter character
    brz finishloop1       ;if enter, cancel the text loop
    OUT                   ;If it's not enter, print out the character typed
    br looptext           ;Go back to loop

程序然后要求输入一个由空格分隔的 ID 号。所有这些值都保存到一个数组中,每个循环都会检查新输入是"new"最低值还是"new"最高值,并将其设置到相应的寄存器中。





非常感谢大家提供的提示和技巧。特别感谢 @Ped7g 将排序算法页面链接到我。我最终四处搜索,实际上在 gitub 上找到了一个已经用汇编代码编写了冒泡算法的人。所以感谢你间接地给我答案。

注意:对于任何 future 来这里寻找答案的人,这里是冒泡排序算法代码的链接: .这是大学类(class)讲义的一部分。

; Implementing bubble sort algorithm
;   R0  File item
;   R1  File item
;   R2  Work variable
;   R3  File pointer
;   R4  Outer loop counter
;   R5  Inner loop counter

            .ORIG   x3000

; Count the number of items to be sorted and store the value in R7

            AND     R2, R2, #0  ; Initialize R2 <- 0 (counter)
            LD      R3, FILE    ; Put file pointer into R3
COUNT       LDR     R0, R3, #0  ; Put next file item into R0
            BRZ     END_COUNT   ; Loop until file item is 0
            ADD     R3, R3, #1  ; Increment file pointer
            ADD     R2, R2, #1  ; Increment counter
            BRNZP   COUNT       ; Counter loop
END_COUNT   ADD     R4, R2, #0  ; Store total items in R4 (outer loop count)
            BRZ     SORTED      ; Empty file

; Do the bubble sort

OUTERLOOP   ADD     R4, R4, #-1 ; loop n - 1 times
            BRNZ    SORTED      ; Looping complete, exit
            ADD     R5, R4, #0  ; Initialize inner loop counter to outer
            LD      R3, FILE    ; Set file pointer to beginning of file
INNERLOOP   LDR     R0, R3, #0  ; Get item at file pointer
            LDR     R1, R3, #1  ; Get next item
            NOT     R2, R1      ; Negate ...
            ADD     R2, R2, #1  ;        ... next item
            ADD     R2, R0, R2  ; swap = item - next item
            BRNZ    SWAPPED     ; Don't swap if in order (item <= next item)
            STR     R1, R3, #0  ; Perform ...
            STR     R0, R3, #1  ;         ... swap
SWAPPED     ADD     R3, R3, #1  ; Increment file pointer
            ADD     R5, R5, #-1 ; Decrement inner loop counter
            BRP     INNERLOOP   ; End of inner loop
            BRNZP   OUTERLOOP   ; End of outer loop

FILE        .FILL   x3500       ; File location

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