swift - 这个矩阵相邻单元格计数的解决方案有什么问题? ( swift )

标签 swift algorithm matrix

我被要求在 Swift Playground 中解决这个问题。有人告诉我我的答案是正确的,但还不够好(是的,非常模糊)。


 Write a Swift playground that takes an n x n grid of integers. Each integer can be either 1 or 0.

 The playground then outputs an n x n grid where each block indicates the number of 1's around that block, (excluding the block itself) . For Block 0 on row 0, surrounding blocks are (0,1) (1,0) and (1,1). Similary for block (1,1) all the blocks around it are to be counted as surrounding blocks.


 Make sure your solution works for any size grid.
 Spend an hour and a half coding the logic and another hour cleaning your code (adding comments,  cleaning variable and function names).

 Optimize your functions to be O(n^2).

 Your output lines should not have any trailing or leading whitespaces.

 Please use hard coded example input constants below.


 Input Grid:

 let sampleGrid = [[0,1,0], [0,0,0], [1,0,0]]

 Console Output:

 1 0 1
 2 2 1
 0 1 0


 Input Grid:

 let sampleGrid = [[0,1,0,0], [0,0,0,1], [1,0,0,1],[0,1,0,1]]

 Console Output:

 1 0 2 1
 2 2 3 1
 1 2 4 2
 2 1 3 1


/// An *Error* type
struct ComputationError : Error {
    /// The message of the error
    let message : String

/// This function computes a matrix result from the input *matrix*
/// where an integer value represents the number of adjacent cells
/// in the input *matrix* having a 1.
/// The algorithm is O(n^2), if n is the side length of the matrix:
///  for each row in rows of matrix
///   for each column in columns of matrix
///    for each matrix[row][column] cell if equal to 1
///     add a 1 to adjacent (valid) cell in result matrix
/// - Parameter matrix: input square matrix with values of 0 or 1 only
/// - Returns: a matrix of equal size to input matrix with computed adjacency values
/// - Throws: throws a ComputationError is the matrix is of invalid size or has invalid values (something other than 1 or 0)
func compute(matrix:[[Int]]) throws -> [[Int]] {

    // The number of rows in matrix, which should equal the number of columns, ie side length, or n
    let side = matrix.count

    // The resulting matrix to return
    var result:[[Int]] = []

    // Initialize the result matrix
    for _ in 0..<side {
        result.append(Array<Int>(repeating: 0, count: side))

    // A convenience constant to refer to the last element in a row or column
    let last = side-1

    // Iterate over rows in matrix
    for row in 0..<side {
        if matrix[row].count < side {
            throw ComputationError(message:"Invalid number of columns (\(matrix[row].count)), should match number of rows (\(side))")
        // Iterate over columns in matrix
        for column in 0..<side {
            // Consider this cell if it is 1, otherwise skip
            // If it is 1, then add a 1 to all valid adjacent cells
            // in result matrix.
            if matrix[row][column] == 1 {
                if 0 < row {
                    if 0 < column {
                        result[row-1][column-1] += 1
                    result[row-1][column] += 1
                    if column < last {
                        result[row-1][column+1] += 1
                if 0 < column {
                    result[row][column-1] += 1
                if column < last {
                    result[row][column+1] += 1
                if row < last {
                    if 0 < column {
                        result[row+1][column-1] += 1
                    result[row+1][column] += 1
                    if column < last {
                        result[row+1][column+1] += 1
            else if matrix[row][column] == 0 {
                // ok
                // If value is neither 0 or 1 throw an error
            else {
                throw ComputationError(message:"Invalid value (\(matrix[row][column])) encountered at row \(row) and column \(column)")

    return result

/// Print *matrix* to console by iterating over each row in the
/// matrix and each column in the row, regardless of the count
/// of columns in the row.  The output is row-wise and a single
/// space delimits columns, with no leading or trailing whitespace.
/// - Parameter matrix: an array of array of Int
func print(matrix:[[Int]]) {

    let rows = matrix.count

    for row in 0..<rows {
        let columns = matrix[row].count
        var line = ""
        for column in 0..<columns {
            if 0 < column {
                line += " "
            line += "\(matrix[row][column])"


do {
    print(matrix:try compute(matrix: [[0,1,0], [0,0,0], [1,0,0]]))
catch let error {

do {
    print(matrix:try compute(matrix: [[0,1,0,0], [0,0,0,1], [1,0,0,1],[0,1,0,1]]))
catch let error {

// test for exception
do {
    print(matrix:try compute(matrix: [[0,1], [0,0,0], [1,0,0]]))
catch let error {

// test for exception
do {
    print(matrix:try compute(matrix: [[0,1,0], [3,0,0], [1,0,0]]))
catch let error {


他们可能正在寻找函数式编程风格的东西,而您可能需要证明您的解决方案是 O(n^2)。


 // let sampleGrid = [[0,1,0], [0,0,0], [1,0,0]]
 let sampleGrid = [[0,1,0,0], [0,0,0,1], [1,0,0,1],[0,1,0,1]]

 func printMatrix(_ m:[[Any]])
    print( m.map{ $0.map{"\($0)"}.joined(separator:" ")}.joined(separator:"\n") )

 let emptyLine  = [Array(repeating:0, count:sampleGrid.first!.count)]

 let left  = sampleGrid.map{ [0] + $0.dropLast()  }   // O(n)
 let right = sampleGrid.map{ $0.dropFirst() + [0] }   // O(n)
 let up    = emptyLine + sampleGrid.dropLast()        // O(n)
 let down  = sampleGrid.dropFirst() + emptyLine       // O(n)

 let leftRight   = zip(left,right).map{zip($0,$1).map{$0+$1}} // O(n^2)
 let upDown      = zip(up,down).map{zip($0,$1).map{$0+$1}}    // O(n^2)

 let cornersUp   = emptyLine + leftRight.dropLast()   // O(n)
 let cornersDown = leftRight.dropFirst() + emptyLine  // O(n)

 let sides   = zip(leftRight,upDown).map{zip($0,$1).map{$0+$1}}      // O(n^2)
 let corners = zip(cornersUp,cornersDown).map{zip($0,$1).map{$0+$1}} // O(n^2)

 // 6 x O(n) + 5 x O(n^2) ==> O(n^2)
 let neighbourCounts = zip(sides,corners).map{zip($0,$1).map{$0+$1}}  // O(n^2) 

 print("\nNeighbour counts:")


0 1 0 0
0 0 0 1
1 0 0 1
0 1 0 1

Neighbour counts:
1 0 2 1
2 2 3 1
1 2 4 2
2 1 3 1

关于swift - 这个矩阵相邻单元格计数的解决方案有什么问题? ( swift ),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45849208/



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