ios - 如何从给定的数字中找到一个随机组合,这些数字加起来与 Swift 中的另一个数字相加?

标签 ios swift algorithm

给定一组随机的正整数 A,找到一个整数的随机组合,加起来为 N


A = [4, 2, 10, 8, 13, 1, ...]  
N = 18  
The possibilities are [10, 8], [4, 13, 1], etc.

集合A 也可以是任意长度并且只能容纳正整数。

N 可以是任何正整数。

我只需要一种数字组合,而不是所有组合。我也想随机选择,这样如果我得到相同的集合,我就不会每次都得到相同的答案,我正在寻找可以在 Swift 中以编程方式执行此操作的最有效方法。


您首先需要创建一种方法来查找原始集合的所有可能子集,正如我在此处发布的 Subset sum Swift .然后你只需要检查是否有任何子集和等于 n:

extension RangeReplaceableCollection  {
    var subSets: [SubSequence] {
        return isEmpty ? [SubSequence()] : dropFirst().subSets.lazy.flatMap { [$0, prefix(1) + $0] }

let a = [4, 2, 10, 8, 13, 1]
let n = 18
let matches = a.subSets.lazy.filter { $0.reduce(0,+) == n }
print("Matches:", Array({Array($0)}))  // Matches: [[10, 8], [4, 13, 1]]

您还可以使用非递归方法,正如您在我在这里发表的另一篇文章中看到的那样 Find all combination of string array in swift .请注意,我采用的第二种方法不将空集视为子集:

extension RangeReplaceableCollection {
    var subSetsNotRecursive : [SubSequence] {
        guard !isEmpty else { return [] }
        let count = self.count
        let n = 1 << count - 1
        var subSequences: [SubSequence] = .init(repeating: SubSequence(), count: n-1)
        (0 ..< n).map {
            var counter = 0
            for element in self {
                if $0 & 1 << counter > 0 {
                counter += 1
        return subSequences + [self[...]]

let matches2 = a.subSetsNotRecursive.lazy.filter { $0.reduce(0,+) == n }
print("Matches2:", Array({Array($0)}))  // Matches2: [[10, 8], [4, 13, 1]]


extension RangeReplaceableCollection where Element: BinaryInteger {
    func subSetsThatSummedAre(equalTo value: Element) -> [SubSequence] {
        guard !isEmpty else { return [] }
        let count = self.count
        let n = 1 << count - 1
        var subSets: [SubSequence] = []
        (0 ..< n).map {
            var counter = 0
            var sum: Element = 0
            var subSequence = SubSequence()
            for element in self {
                if $0 & 1 << counter > 0 {
                    sum += element
                counter += 1
            if sum == value {
        if reduce(0, +) == value {
        return subSets

let matches4 = a.subSetsThatSummedAre(equalTo: n)
print("Matches4:", Array({Array($0)}))  // Matches4: [[10, 8], [4, 13, 1]]

关于ios - 如何从给定的数字中找到一个随机组合,这些数字加起来与 Swift 中的另一个数字相加?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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