google-app-engine - Martini oauth2callback适配GAE后重定向到oauth2error

标签 google-app-engine go oauth-2.0 facebook-oauth martini

下面的代码在本地服务器上完美运行,但是当适应谷歌应用引擎时(func main 更改为 init 并且包名称从 main 设置为测试应用程序)oauth2callback 请求不再工作,下面的请求被重定向到 oauth2error 处理程序.

package testapp

import (
    goauth2 ""

func init() {
    m := martini.Classic()
    m.Use(sessions.Sessions("my_session", sessions.NewCookieStore([]byte("secret123"))))
        goauth2.Client("AppID", "AppSecret"),
    // Tokens are injected to the handlers
    m.Get("/", func(tokens oauth2.Tokens) string {
        if tokens.Expired() {
            return "not logged in, or the access token is expired"
        return "logged in"

    // Routes that require a logged in user
    // can be protected with oauth2.LoginRequired handler.
    // If the user is not authenticated, they will be
    // redirected to the login path.
    m.Get("/restrict", oauth2.LoginRequired, func(tokens oauth2.Tokens) string {
        return tokens.Access()

    http.Handle("/", m)


我的猜测是您需要将 App Engine 上下文注入(inject)到 Get 方法中。

根据 this issue在 Go Martini 仓库中,您可以执行以下操作:

func AppEngine(m martini.Context, r *http.Request) {
    m.MapTo(appengine.NewContext(r), (*appengine.Context)(nil))

func init() {
    m := martini.Classic()

    // ...

    m.Get("/", func(tokens oauth2.Tokens, c appengine.Context) string {
        if tokens.Expired() {
            return "not logged in, or the access token is expired"
        return "logged in"

    m.Get("/restrict", oauth2.LoginRequired, func(tokens oauth2.Tokens, c appengine.Context) string {
        return tokens.Access()

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