algorithm - 想在对排序矩阵使用二进制搜索逻辑时了解时间复杂度

标签 algorithm recursion data-structures matrix recursive-datastructures


使用 Stack Over 流程​​中“Michal Sznajder”建议的逻辑。 Most efficient way to search a sorted matrix?

但是在计算具有递归关系的时间复杂度时存在困难。 有人可以帮助我吗。

虽然我使用的是二进制搜索逻辑,但我假设它不是 T(n) = log (m + n)。

是 T(n) = log (log (log (m x n))) 还是 log (log (m x n))?


 1,    4,      7,      10,     13,
 2,    5,      8,      11,     14,
 3,    6,      9,      12,     15,
 16,   17,     18,     19,     20,
 21,   22,     23,     24,     25,
 26,   27,     28,     29,     30

 a ..... b ..... c
 . .     . .     .
 .   1   .   2   .
 .     . .     . .
 d ..... e ..... f
 . .     . .     .
 .   3   .   4   .
 .     . .     . .
 g ..... h ..... i

a, c, g < i --> if not there is no element 

a, b, d < e
b, c, e < f
d, e, g < h
e, f, h < i

Left Top    :   Right Top
Left Bottom :   Right Bottom


public int SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(int[,] SortedMatix, int elementToSearch, int rowStPos, int colStPos, int rowEndPos, int colEndPos)
    // Step 0. Check for basic validations.
    if (SortedMatix == null)
        throw new Exception("Matrix is empty");

    // Step 1. Use divide and conquer and to get the middle element.
    int resultNode = 0;
    int rowMidPos = (rowStPos + rowEndPos) / 2;
    int colMidPos = (colStPos + colEndPos) / 2;

    // Step 2. Mid element in Recursive Sub Matrix. For e.g in above example if it is 'e', 'f','h','i' then found.
    if (SortedMatix[rowMidPos, colMidPos] == elementToSearch || SortedMatix[rowMidPos, colEndPos] == elementToSearch ||
        SortedMatix[rowEndPos, colMidPos] == elementToSearch || SortedMatix[rowEndPos, colEndPos] == elementToSearch)
        return elementToSearch;

    // Step 3. Terminate the sub matrix iteration when the element is not found in the 2 X 2 matrix. 
    if ((rowStPos == rowMidPos || colStPos == colMidPos) && SortedMatix[rowStPos, colStPos] != elementToSearch)
        return 0;

    // Step 4. Left Top Sub Matrix.
    if (resultNode == 0 && elementToSearch < SortedMatix[rowMidPos, colMidPos])
        resultNode = SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, elementToSearch, rowStPos, colStPos, rowMidPos, colMidPos);

    // Step 5. Right Top Sub Matrix.
    if (resultNode == 0 && elementToSearch < SortedMatix[rowMidPos, colEndPos])
        resultNode = SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, elementToSearch, rowStPos, colMidPos, rowMidPos, colEndPos);

    // Step 6. Left bottom Sub Matrix.
    if (resultNode == 0 && elementToSearch < SortedMatix[rowEndPos, colMidPos])
        resultNode = SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, elementToSearch, rowMidPos, colStPos, rowEndPos, colMidPos);

    // Step 7. Right bottom Sub Matrix.
    if (resultNode == 0 && elementToSearch < SortedMatix[rowEndPos, colEndPos])
        resultNode = SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, elementToSearch, rowMidPos, colMidPos, rowEndPos, colEndPos);

    return resultNode;

public void SearchSortedMatrixTest()
    int[,] SortedMatix = {{ 1,    4,      7,      10,     13,},
                            { 2,    5,      8,      11,     14,},
                            { 3,    6,      9,      12,     15,},
                            { 16,   17,     18,     19,     20,},
                            { 21,   22,     23,     24,     25,},
                            { 26,   27,     28,     29,     30}};

    //SearchSortedMatrixInNLogN(AssendMatix, 21);

    StringBuilder strBldr = new StringBuilder();

    strBldr.Append("\n 1  : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 1, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 2  : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 2, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 3  : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 3, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 4  : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 4, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 5  : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 5, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 6  : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 6, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 7  : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 7, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 8  : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 8, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 9  : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 9, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 10 : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 10, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));

    strBldr.Append("\n 11 : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 11, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 12 : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 12, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 13 : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 13, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 14 : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 14, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 15 : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 15, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 16 : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 16, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 17 : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 17, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 18 : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 18, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 19 : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 19, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 20 : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 20, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));

    strBldr.Append("\n 21 : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 21, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 22 : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 22, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 23 : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 23, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 24 : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 24, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 25 : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 25, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 26 : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 26, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 27 : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 27, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 28 : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 28, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 29 : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 29, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 30 : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 30, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));

    strBldr.Append("\n\n Example 2:\n");

    SortedMatix = new int[,] {{ 1,    4,      7,},
                                { 2,    5,      8,},
                                { 3,    6,      9}};

    strBldr.Append("\n 1  : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 1, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 2  : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 2, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 3  : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 3, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 4  : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 4, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 5  : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 5, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 6  : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 6, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 7  : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 7, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 8  : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 8, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 9  : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 9, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));

    MessageBox.Show("Element(s) Search in Sorted Matrix and the result(s) are " + strBldr.ToString());          


更新:在 Web 的帮助下,我对上一个答案做了一些改进。

事实证明,与许多问题一样,这个问题很容易通过良好的 Google 搜索解决(只要它可以解决)。我试过“按行和列排序的搜索矩阵”。结果之一是这个页面:

Find number in sorted matrix (Rows n Columns) in O(log n)

坏消息是,在最坏的情况下,你不能比天真的一次一行的算法做得更好,该算法是 O(min(m,n) * log(max(m ,n))).另一方面,朴素算法易于实现,并且(我认为)在最佳常数因子内。

对该问题的解决方案的评论链接到包含一些其他有用 Material 的页面, ,它似乎概述了一个有用的、不那么天真的算法。我不认为我能做得更好;当然不容易。


算法需要改进。考虑这个 4x4 矩阵:

 1,  2,  4, 10
 3,  6,  7, 12
 5,  8,  9, 14
11, 13, 15, 16

考虑在该矩阵中搜索包含值 9、10 或 11 的单元格。所有这三个值都通过了子矩阵 2 中的“测试”(右上角),但它们也都通过了子矩阵中的测试3(左下角)。事实上,其中一个在子矩阵 2 中,一个在子矩阵 3 中,一个不在这两个子矩阵中。根据包含值 4、12、13 和 16 的单元格的观察值,关于这三个数字中的任何一个,你唯一可以说的是这些数字都不在子矩阵 1 中。所以你消除了 1/4该步骤的矩阵。

值4和5按照算法应该出现在子矩阵1中(因为每个都小于6,在那个子矩阵的右下角),但实际上一个在子矩阵2中,另一个在子矩阵中子矩阵 3。当您要查找的值小于子矩阵 1 右下角的元素时,这四个比较通常不允许您消除任何子矩阵。

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